The Narcissist is a con-artist
They break you so utterly, that you end up ultimately giving yourself up to the abuse.
They know you and they know what moves you, even better than YOU do. Narcissists are people-watchers and studiers, and MASTERS OF MIND-CONTROL!
A con-artist is a "confidence artist" or, in other words, a person who "gains your confidence, in order to get you to put all your trust in them."
They get you over to their side and then, slowly, like a spider, paralyze you and such out your innards (life)
To justify the CON, the narcissist views themself as a "tester" and a "punisher" of the one who gets a flunking grade on the test.
They become a SERIAL BULLY, turning everyone AGAINST EACH OTHER, getting one to BLAME THE OTHER for things. A WITCH-HUNT often ensues, and people start becoming EXCLUSIVE with each other, pulling into little N n US groups. The CON has thus dissolved the previous relationships and has successfully established relationships with EACH PERSON PLUS ONLY THE NARCISSIST.
The Narcissist also projects their own faults onto their victims, so that few of the victims friend's will listen to the victim either. This can become so ruthless that the victim commits suicide, as they see their friends take the side of the ABUSER.
(be CAREFUL that your friends are TRUE ones and STICK WITH US HERE ON THIS BOARD, cause we will talk you thru any moments where you feel suicidal and many of us will pray with you through it all too! STAY SAFE!)