I found a dime on the floor in a store. I found a nickel in the gutter at the Walk/Don't Walk corner and today another dime on the street. Now I would never see these things if I didn't roll around with downcast eyes, missing people I know. I won't get rich that way, but I have to also watch out for dog poop, spit, phlegm, gum, used condoms, etc. or my tires wiil bring that back to my carpeting, just as the soles of your shoes would if you didn't remove them at the door.
If I happen to roll looking straight ahead and see someone I know, we stop to talk, but I am lookiing at his belly button (or crotch, depending on his height) and to keep eyeball to eyeball contact, I must move back, then he moves forward and I back up some more. One day some one will back me into the middle of a street, I'll get hit by a car and spend the rest of my life in a wheechair.
Now it's silly to roll around looking up. One could run into a parking meter, a dog, a small child (or a Narciisist ha ha)
Think I can do it from this point of view?
Love Izzy