Author Topic: I see it clearly  (Read 6913 times)


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I see it clearly
« on: July 02, 2007, 11:32:55 PM »
For the first time in my life I think I am the only one at work who sees things clearly.  There are at least two factions at work-them against them.  I used to lean more to one side but now I believe I see it both ways.  I am bothered by the in fighting.  I think maybe the years of analyzing and reading psych books I can identify dysfunctional behaviors.  I cannot agree with my mom because I see the other side but now I see the other side is thinking in blacks and whites.  Anyone else feel that?

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2007, 09:02:33 AM »
I see it. Ummmmm consider this a bit of a rant warning, lol.   

In my experience, the faction fighting at work was usually about the stronger personalities dominating the weaker employees, and maybe employers too.  The dominant personalities required compliance on the part of their underlings, no matter, and usually got it.  Typically, the fighting was about transferring aggression onto office workers, not about job performance or anything tangible, but about small minded things and abuses of power. 

The amazing thing was that they would always lie to the fair minded employers about their behavior or get backing from the unhappy bitter employers.  It was high drama on a highschool scale, really. 

For the most part, I was always trying to avoid taking sides in the offices I worked in.  I didn't want trouble from either side.

My last office job went up in a door slamming BOOM!

I was the door slammer. 

The secretarial pool had just lost a little meanie and been replaced with a fair minded secretary, who also worked for the top dog attorney/employer man in the office.  He was a fair minded bad boy who probably wouldn't have given a hank about any of this if he wasn't a bad boy, KWIM? 

Part of my job was to help out the secretaries if they fell behind in their work.

The new (fair minded) secretary would run to her boss who would tell her to give me something to do so that when the mean secretary made her way up the hall to my desk (with some legal description laughably difficult to follow) That tract or parcel being of the northwest most southernly corner of the northwest most southest portion of said tract.... and on and on it went for pages, for me to TYPE on a typewriter at the time.  The secretaries had word processors and could easily make corrections.  It was crazy!  It didn't take long before I was walking that back up the hallway and plopping it back onto the meanie's desk.

As it turns out, the head hancho, are you still with me here?  The head hancho attorney had slept with 2 of the female attorneys and numerous employees.  The female attorneys didn't like me bc they were afaid I'd sleep with the head hancho. The secretaries were just small minded mean spirited unhappy people. (Sidebar, when I was hired, the female attorney interviewing me told stories of sex a pades in the office with the bad boy attorney and said that she didn't want me f*cking him)  Ummmmm... why was she telling me all this?  Yes, she'd slept with him too. 

It would have never entered my mind if they didn't keep bringing it up! 

Anyway, little meanie secretary told her big meanie boss, who'd slept with bad boy too, about my little walk and plop ploy and she descended on me with a calm shaming dressing down about how I had had to do my job blah blah blab transparent tripe blah blah.  Just too too much.  They ended up with another job opening over silliness.  The job I took was open bc of something that happened with the bad boy attorney, who'd guess?

 I phoned the bad boy....  bc he was now openly supporting me,but making it look like he was standing against the meanies.  I think he really enjoyed the catfighting and I think he really wanted to be bad with me but he was frightened of the fallout in the office.  HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN AFRAID!   

When I phoned him to inform him that I was leaving... take that meanies!.... He said that he had another job for me and to just get my things and go.  I was so mad I did, and that's when I said something not too clever, slammed the library door with both hands and walked out, but not for the last time.  ::groan:: 

I ended up coming back on the arm of the head hancho for that year's Christmas party.  The meanies had insighted the very thing they were afraid would happen.  Yup.  Take that too....::nodding::

I was still so angry at the women in that office I wore a terribly innapropriate dress (borrowed and dispicably expensive) tres tres revealing (Poor my mother's husband, who also attended the party with my mother and kept wanting to cover me up)  My mother just laughed because she knew exactly what I was doing and understood why I was doing but it was awkward bc the attorney I'd slammed the door on was one of her very good friends.   Insanity! But terribly satisfying in a very twisted way I can't explain now.  Poor mom just couldn't explain why her buddy had acted that way but she did tell me story about her sleeping with the bad boy and wanting marriage and all that.  Summed it up for me but it would have been nice to have my mother tell her to back off her daughter, it wasn't appropriate or fair, etc.  Never happened.  Mom just kept her head down and dived for cover when paths crossed.  There was food in every office and everyone was coming and going..... more high drama. 
::wiggling eyebrows::  I can't believe I had the moxy to do that, lol but if anyone had it coming...... they did. 

I never worked in another office again. 


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2007, 09:03:01 AM »
I lived in denial for so long-thinking my family was normal.  When I think about the realization that I know more than my T about N, I guess it makes sense.  I watch one person be passive-aggressive, another playing the victim, and of course we have Queen Mom who doesnt have a clue but pretends she does.  But the problem is that even the most rational has become part of the problem-frustration has given way to anger and now she doesnt see how her behavior is irrational.  What am I to do?

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2007, 09:11:31 AM »
I thought your mother was being more reasonable lately?  Are things really bad right  now at work? 


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2007, 09:16:22 AM »
Wow Lighter!  I did the same slam the door thing to my mother.  I try to tell myself that no matter where you are there will be drama.  It does remind you of junior high.  My high school was too large but my daughter goes to a small school and they have fights a lot.  I never experienced that kind of drama in the restaurant business although I did have discrimination dumped on me being the only woman.  we are all 40-60 Year old women and that seems to be a very catty Age group!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2007, 09:23:35 AM »
yes she is being better but that does not mean she does not have her hit list.  It is funny-people that any at her feet can do no wrong-even though they do-but people who are awesome t their job but do not any or happen to have a tatoo  or a piercing are dogged constantly by her need to feel important and in control.  that is what I mean about being the only one who sees it.  I can see past the hands people play to what is really happening.  I see the victim trying for sympathy.

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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2007, 09:25:09 AM »
Bow not any

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2007, 09:46:40 AM »
I don't think your mother's behaving better.  I think she threw you a bone to calm you down and keep you there, under her, controlled. 

Every time they open their hand and offer something.... the other hand is holding something terrible behind their back. 

I could wax on poetically about what I think's in that hand but..... I don't think it would helpful. 

You're mother isn't improving, she's just being less terrible. 


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2007, 09:56:02 AM »
Yes but I also think there is a bit of fear involved with her less terribleness-She knows she is losing her edge and hopefully she is starting to bow out before she makes a fool of herself-whoops too late-but she does not see it.  Here is a funny mom story.  She took the new growth of a spider plant and put them directly in the dirt-we told her she had to put them in water first until they grew roots.  She poo poo us and sure enough the plant died.  Only an N would think the plant would obey!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2007, 10:00:40 AM »
I believe you lighter-throwing me a bone is the term I often use when refering to my N mom.  She could make my life easier but she keeps me under her thumb by giving me just enough to appease me, however, I do not allow her to give me any stuff-I shut her down pretty regularly.

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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2007, 10:10:38 AM »
Funny story about the spider plant refusing to obey.

Being thrown just enough of a bone to keep you hanging around is a sore spot for me.  I'm still so angry about the rediculously impossible situation I was in during my marriage and the crazy crazy crazy expectations of my N.... I can't even see straight reading about it happening to someone else. 

I don't know how we get past this stuff.  I wasn't even involved too terribly long with my N.  I just know that 




is the best and only advice when dealing with N's. 

I couldn't think of any alternative advice to give, honestly, to someone dealing with one.

We can't win.  We may feel we can control our feelings or the damage they do but.... having tried, I don't believe that now. 

Not when it's someone besides an outsider, like a boss or co worker, doing it to us.

If it's a parent, sibling or spouse..... it's just too close and too damaging NOT to be a source of continued trauma.  Unfathonable loss on a rediculously unecessary battlefield.  I can't even understand why there has to be a battlefield, I'll never be able to defend it.  I don't want to be ON it. 


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2007, 11:54:25 AM »
I would like to hear about what you think she has behind her back.

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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2007, 01:59:29 PM »
Dear Kelly,
   I am so sorry for what you are going through I see under the heading of N mothers never change,but we always have a sliver of hope. Eventually the sliver of hope becomes a club and beats us to death         Love  Ami.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2007, 07:05:43 PM »
Well, Ami, I do hope for slivers.  But I realize that her "slivers" are her way to keep me under control.  In a way.  And I can play her game.  But sometimes she just gets to me.  I just ignore her.  I am sure that drives her crazy but I just do not give her my valuable time.  She is a very frustrating woman.  I talked with our bookkeeper and she just wants to leave - her frustration level is over the top.  I told her I was smack dap in the middle.  She is the one who was once rational and has gotten sucked into a frustration abyss and she can barely function without sarcasm and very direct speech.  Of course my aunt, the victim runs right to Queen Mom and complains about bookkeeper who has led our business to a do you do??  I have been working 2 days a week.  Five hours a day.  Where else can you get those kinds of hours and get paid big bucks?  No where.  So it is hard to swallow but I will keep doing this and keep praying that something happens which forces her out the door toot sweet!


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Re: I see it clearly
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2007, 12:55:28 AM »
I would like to hear about what you think she has behind her back.

Eh.... it's usually all about a little short knife and how they twist it up under our rib cages and prick our hearts, then tell us we'd best not wiggle lest we hurt OURSELVES! 

Or..... they're ever so polite and cordial while trying to get us to bend over just so..... that they may reach a cerain sweet spot they've been angling for. 

I could go on and on but it's always about a knife held in the one hand while the other one pets and calms us. 

Something so dreadful insidiouse about being calmed by one hand while the other inserts a cold impersonal blade made tres tres personal by  proximity and the position of trust they expertly exploit, shamlessly, from every angle.

Something awful and sick and dead and broken about being held down and injured, asked to remain in a prone position, (calmly in a prone position) while thanking them for the knifing. 

"Thank you mama/daddy/husband, may I have another?"

I can see people on the ground trying to deny their reality while flecks of blood and spittle cover their faces..... they're trying not to struggle, trying to deny their reality..... trying  not to upset the angry sociopath sitting on their chest, twisting the blade and asking for another compliment, another thank you.... another reassurance that they aren't hurting anyone.  Just awful!
So sick that the people......
who're supposed to be protecting us........
are preying on us.....
demanding we allow them access to our entrails then sneering at us.....
treating us poorly bc we gave them access..... 
and confirmed for them what they feared...
that we're too weak too stupid too trusting and gullible to be special on any lasting level they can appreciate.   

It's no way to live and I actually feel sorry for them when I remember how it must really suck to be them: /