Author Topic: "they don't know what they did"  (Read 5047 times)


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Re: "they don't know what they did"
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2007, 07:54:55 PM »
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for responding. I was reluctant to post this thread b/c it is so personal, vulnerable and raw. Then I said,"You  can either save your a## or your face. ."Every time that I dig deep, I am rewarded with insight and wisdom from all of you. It must be Divine grace b/c someone or many people will have exactly the  'remedy" that I need.   The posts to this thread were incredible.
   Laura, I am speechless how  brilliantly you described the N mother(or mentor)) relationship. I was blown away at the small details that are the same for N's.I never ,ever, knew that there was someone else like my mother. The traits are so "bizarre" that you think  that you are all alone in this dark place.Also, you are embarrassed and ashamed to have a mother like this so you don't tell anyone. Then,if your father tells you you are imaging it-- you are set up for extreme self doubt( at the least)
  I wanted to address one particular thing that you said. It hit a raw nerve.The other day, I realized that something had 'come back"inside me. it was the "power" of choice. I was so happy and so excited. I felt like a 'real" person. You said that after the N mother goes, the child has no ability to function on their own b/c all their functioning was "taking cues".
 Thank God this piece of myself "snapped" back in.
I could almost "feel' it come back in.                                                                                                                   I think when I was vulnerable about the self punishment,I was rewarded by losing a layer of distortion and gaining a brick of health.
  Today, though, I feel such a depression. It is b/c Maria was over. For me having a close relationship with a woman is a few steps less than' "torture". It just hurts and hurts.  I am going to just keep going through whatever layers I have to go through in order to heal.
  Maria is about the 'easiest" friend that you could have. I really could not find a better person.If God brought her to me and she loves me (with all my warts). I will just keep on "keepin" on".
In the meantime-- it is a mean time                                   Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: "they don't know what they did"
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2007, 08:43:26 PM »

First of all, thank you so much for acknowledging my post.  I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever actually see a comment about it.  I'm glad you seem to feel more validated by my sharing about X.  It's just all very sad to me, cause X seemed to really care about people at first...maybe things have changed with her, I don't know, but I do know that she left me in shambles when she got through with me.

I am really grateful to know I TOO was NOT alone.  The weird things I witnessed and experienced, I just didn't WANT to believe were really happening...not with X...she was supposed to be my leader, my friend, a minister.  But, that whole family situation has been a mess for years...just that I guess it was kept secret from the church people and their friends, so they could appear to be "all together" and "spiritual." 

I will say that I enjoyed the church when I went to it.  I enjoyed X's parents, because it really did seem like they were trying to be good to people and not keep on in the dysfunctional ways of the past.  Sadly, X and her sister had to raise themselves and then go through life with a distorted view about how to treat people who want to be close with them.

It's just really unreal sometimes to think that there are people that disordered; but, there are.



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Re: "they don't know what they did"
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2007, 08:50:14 PM »
Dear Laura,
  All day I wanted to get back to your post,but kept getting interrupted. it is one of the best posts I ever read. For me,Lighter's post on "seeing clearly" was the best EVER. but ,this one was second.
                                                                                         Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung