As I was writing this, redginger removed her message, but I'llpost anyway in case she reads it.
Dear redginger,
I am so sorry for your loss. Loosing a child is the worse loss a person could have. My condolences to you.
I hope you and your family are doing grief counseling because this cam help.
I agree with what Ami and James said, but, I want to frame it differently.
I’ve been doing a lot of healing and recovery work, reading books and listening to tapes by psychologists such as John Bradshaw, Alice Miller, Murray Bowen and Scott Peck. If you are interested, here are some web sites:’ve also read many books on dysfunctional families by other psychologists.
What I have found is that the family is a “system” and most people are unconscious of the roles they play and expect other family members to play in the “family system”.
So, in your “family of origin” (FOO) (meaning you, your parents and siblings) had a family system and all the “bad stuff” you learned in your FOO you probably passed on to your kids, but you did this unconsciously because that’s how you were raised. Also, your parents probably passed on to you and your siblings “bad stuff” because that’s how they were raised, but they also did this unconsciously.
So, our parents passed “bad stuff” onto us and we pass “bad stuff” on to our kids, but we do this unconsciously. And, because we do it unconsciously, no one is to blame, for we know not what we do.
However, once we get a “wake up call” showing us that things are not right ( like your poor beloved daughter), then, we have a CHOICE to take responsibility and become CONSCIOUS of the “bad stuff” which our parents passed onto us and which we pass on to our kids.
So, becoming conscious is NOT about blame (because we did not consciously know that we did something wrong, we did what we were taught by our parents). However, once we are faced with the “wake up call”, we have to make a choice to either correct ourselves or ignore our prior unconscious mistakes and live the rest of our lives in denial.
So, when Ami and James say that you must look at how you participated in your children’s lives (and death), they , I think, mean that you now have a CHOICE of either becoming AWARE of your previously unconscious participation on the “bad stuff” of your family system OR, you can view the “wake up call” as a means to place blame on you.
Redginger, making the choice to become conscious is very difficult, very painful and scary. But, for many of us here, we would rather live in truth than denial.
If you choose to take the “road less traveled” to consciousness, you may be able to have a better relationship with your “Narcissistic” daughter and help her.
I’m sorry if I have hurt you and I wish you all the best.