because my therapist says my daughter is a N, it's sometimes assumed that I'm an N by some. does your therapist work with your daughter too? That's quite a big long-distance diagnosis to make if not!
There are dangers in applying a functional model to psychology- people don't fit general rules.
And mothers are blamed for so much, and supported so little, in all our societies.
When we are going through pain we don't see the whole big picture though, for years I couldn't see my abusive mother for the frightened, immature, addicted young girl she was, in fact only when she died did I really have the freedom from the fear of her to forgive her.
instead of 'blaming' daughters father, my deceased daughters boyfriend, and my N daughter that I should look at myself instead of 'blaming' them. I don't know what has been said before but I do believe the only thing we can change is ourselves unless we are talking about young and developing childrens' behaviour.
Just going to a therapist and working on yourself will have an effect on your whole family I am sure.
And I hope you stick around and work through any issues you may have about triggering others, which we all do in any support group, it's a good way to develop resilience if you can hang in there whilst you're hurt and angry.
I swear to God that I've tried everything but it's just not good enough. She says the same thing about me, it's all about my feelings, but my family will tell you the opposite is true. Anything i do is never enough for her, never has been. She says she's given up on us and will no longer be in sound frustrated. Parenting is a thankless task sometimes!
Children take a long time to mature, if she is NPD she may never fully mature.
Gift-giving is a common topic of upset here, we all have so many expectations and coded messages around gifts.
They have a symbolism and significance far beyond the objects or events themselves, sometimes I think we would be better off without formalised non-spontaneous giving of any kind...
we all have different stories and different pain. This is just mine.Debkor's right.
No one is perfect, everyone has their troubles and if you can talk and listen you're just the same as everyone else here.
I am a delusional schizophrenic because I have a daydream. well that would depend on the daydream Mud....didn't you once go into a page-long reverie about living in a riverbank

There is a serious side to delusional thoughts though which I have written about before- the fact that we think things does not necessarily mean acting them.
Most mentally ill people are completely harmless because they would not act their delusions, they have values which transcend their illness or disability.
I have seen this over and over.
Yet the opposite perception the one which gives good media entertainment value- is the one which pervades, that people who are delusional re dangerous and violent.
My brother is schizophrenic and I have bipolar 1 and neither of us would commit a violent act either sick or well; that goes for every other mentally ill person I have ever known, hundreds maybe a thousand now, and is born out in larger studies and stats.
I've always seen NPD as part of a spectrum including the psycopath or anti-social PD on the extreme and quite rare, but most Ns don't even realise the violence they inflict because psychological damage is still not taken as seriously and our societies have values which secretly condone cruelty or unpleasantness.
Look at what people laugh at, there's a lot of unpleasantness in it and we say it doesn't matter because it's a harmless outlet.
And the violence and pain continue....and where they are coupled with other dodgy values and weapons, and immature people, they escalate!
Okay, enough rambling.
Houston is pretty flooded today, think I'll go walk the dog whilst the rain has stopped.