Write, that was truly an amazing message. To boot, you are also “singing my song” ....
I realized something similar a few months back. That I have also been afraid of intimacy, and this has played a role in my involvement with xN boyfriend. Big thing to admit.
>"And in labelling him and continuing to relate to him in a negative >destructive relationship- I was abusive too. What I thought was his >story is mine."
This really stuck out for me. I also realized that his story was mine. In fact, I realized that I was just playing the
opposite side of the same energy current this time around. What I mean, is that in a former relationship before xN, with a perfectly nice person,
I was the one who projected, distanced, blamed, did black & white thinking, had fits of anger, did unreasonable rationalizations… etc…
Last time around, with former xN boyfriend, I was playing the part of my x non N boyfriend, and N was the former me! “Life is amazing”, as you say…. I just flipped flopped sides is all… The issues are/were the *same* though...
What I am sooooooo thankful for, is that I had the opportunity to go back and apologize to my x Non N boyfriend. To sit face to face and tell him my fears and insecurities that led to my unacceptable behaviors. To cry in pain at the pain I’d caused him, naming it in detail & asking for his forgiveness. Very healing for us both, and we are great friends to this day.
I don’t expect to have that from xN and you have put into words so clearly (below), my exact thoughts about how to move on….
>I let him move on then how will I nurse the wounds he caused? how will >I validate all that time I spent trying and suffering? what about all the >unfairness over the years?"
We are still friends (telephone only) and it is going well that way. But I find that the resentment of everything that you mentioned creeps in at times, and I wonder if I should pull out of the friendship.
I know it is a completely dif. situation for you, being married, but I can relate very well to your feelings
>But it's more subtle than that: I am reluctant to let go of the certainty >that the relationship provided, to let go of the deep validation of my view >of myself and the world.
I will have to think more on that one, for my own self.
Thanks for the thought provoking post, and you are indeed doing great work for yourself!