Dear Hop & Bones.
I lost a whole post just a minute a go, so if it shows up I'm sorry!
Bones, That sounds just like my NMother. I'm so sorry, I KNOW that hurt! Death means NOTHING to them. Even a small child's.
Hop, I try to keep contact with her to a minimum. She always calls ME!
She not the other type of NMother who DEMANDS time & attention from her kids, so it's really weird.
I think it's because money is her God & I'm doing better with money than at leats one of my brothers. Plus, we are literally the only ones from the family who will actually talk to her. She gets such a rush out of hearing about my monetary accomplishments! Mind you, we are not rich, but we do have a nice home & car & a 4o1K. That just gets her off! And of course I'm an approval junkie! At least with her. At least it doesn't affect me the way it used to.
Here's another DOOZY for you:
When we moved from our tiny apt into this 4 bedroom house, we needed a dining room set. She stuck her nose in and said, "What you need to do is buy ONE CHAIR AT A TIME!".
My husband just laughed & shook his head. What else can you do? This from the same woman who manipulated my great aunts will to not include me. I might of been able to pay CASH for one if she hadn't done that! Oh the irony. She will always says things like "Don't you feel much better knowing you did this all by yourself?" ARRRRGGG! At least we live over 5 hrs away from the crazy making!
Thanks friends,