My brother in law and his entire family are narcissistic.
Last night, he, my sis in law (hubby's sister) and we, went to a picnic at a friend of bil's.
At the picnic, couples were being romantic, hugging, kissing, etc. walking hand in hand. I finally convinced my husband that I'd like to have him just put his arms around me while we watched fireworks. He did so, but also started grabbing my chest.
I said to him "honey, don't do that here."
At that, N bil, seated in front of me, looks up at me and says sarcastically, "that's what men consider ROMANTIC! You tell him not to grab your breast...he's gonna say F*** this and not touch you at THAT what you want?!"
(my first thought was HOW DAAAAAAAAAAARE YOU! My second thought was, "TYPICAL") this man's entire family and he, seem to think they have a right to comment and control ANYONE who happens to cross their path