.Last night,on the last time out for MImi,she started nipping at me when I tried to put the leash on. I started yelling (in frustration)
My H started screaming insults and criticisms at me. At that moment, I realized that I was his garbage pail -too. .I got an instant stomach ache and still have it. How much pain can a person absorb and still go on?I tried my whole life (too much) to be "good" to raging, angry lunatics. When does there come a time when I can rest?. .
He is good as a provider and good at taking care of bills , cars etc..He thinks that this makes him a good husband. Last night, a 'voice' came to me and said,"Forgive them, they know not what they do."His F was an N-- worse than my mother.This is what my H knows. He provides .
However, the emotional climate is like with my mother. I am scorned. If I don't have a "boot on his head" then he starts rising up to abuse me.He thinks that he is "good" if he is not actively "raging" or "hitting" However, down deep, he is waiting to get you. He will never understand this. It is futile to try to explain it to him. . My H is a genius at "getting you" when you are weak.My H will leave you alone when you are strong,but if you show a weakness , he is at your jugular. He thinks he is "good" now . I "love" when he says that he is "good now". That means not being and "active' ass..
However,, this is not about him. It is about me and how I handle anger and how I get back my integrity.
I am everyone's garbage pail b/c I was trained to be. I feel terrified of anger b/c I was trained to be.These are the issues. My H is very secondary to me. he just helps me to see what I need to see.. He is just bringing the pain and issues to the surface. He did not plant them,but he sure helps to water them.In reality, he is a victim of an N father, too.This does not take away that I have to be strong with my H. He is like an untrained wolf waiting to rip the throat of his owner. It is horrible. It is pitiful BUT--it is true. I guess that this is what I don't want to face. This is how it IS. My H will not change. he does not see that he has a problem. He is "good". I have the problem. This is an N trait that Vaknin talks about. The N sees situations as "slices" in time. He can be"good" now and yesterday when he was 'bad' is over. It is gone for him so it must be gone for you. I just realized that.
Anyway, my problem is not my H. It is my FEAR of anger.. It is my place as a garbage pail. these are my issues. I need to face them b/c they are at the core of lies that I accepted from my mother Love Ami