This is spot on:
"The children do not communicate among each other if not only but through the mother. N mother is the center for everything. She controls everything."
Even when I was in my late twenties, me, my sister and my brother (and boyfiends/girlfriends) were REQUIRED to visit my NMum (and my Dad, but he didn't count, in my NMum's opinion) EVERY Sunday afternoon. Never mind if we had our own lives to lead - we had to work around what I called 'paying homage'. She'd sit there in the living room, and we were sometimes allowed to 'report' what had happened during the week, so that she could give her opinion on it. Then she'd tell us how HER week had been (went on for hours). We were severely discouraged from talking among ourselves, if she had to go out of the room for any reason.
Sounds crazy, now. Back then, I thought it was normal.