Author Topic: ReallyMe and Izzy  (Read 1854 times)


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ReallyMe and Izzy
« on: July 12, 2007, 03:40:22 PM »
Hi ReallyMe,

I think I remember you saying in one of your posts a while back that you were a fan of Mark Lowry.  Did you know he has some stuff on youtube?  Here it is.

Mark Lowry Puts on Jake Hess's Wig:

Cool Water..  (Give the Donkey Water)

and Jesus on the Mainline

and Izzy, did you find the Johnny Cash youtube's the other day?  Here's a few.

This is his last performance

here's part one of an interview he and June did in 1981

here's part 2

and here's Johnny and June singing Jackson together.

and here he is singing Folsom Prison Blues



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Re: ReallyMe and Izzy
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2007, 09:16:38 PM »
Thsnk you MS

I love Johnny Cash! Case Closed. In that one talk show they talk about his proposing in London (Ontario)--well that was a tour and I had just seen them in Toronto, 1968
There are other times when 2 years in a row they came to Toronto to the Canadian National Exhibition, then in 1972, daughter was 8, I drove to Nashville withher and looked all over Nashville for his house, then found it in Hendersonville.

This is us, only 4 out of many at his driveways (separated by a gate guard) and his "House of Cash" Administrative Offices.


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Re: ReallyMe and Izzy
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2007, 02:34:23 PM »


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Re: ReallyMe and Izzy
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2007, 02:50:41 PM »
Hi Izzy....  that's his house in Hendersonville?  The one that burned not too long ago?  great pics!  My son went there a couple years ago.  He thought he had found Johnny Cash's home and walked up to this other house on the same street, thought it was open to the public and walked in.  This woman inside grabbed one of her kids and asked him what he wanted.  He asked if this was Cash's house and she promptly pointed him to the right one.  But he didn't get to go in, it was privately owned by someone else. 

He's buried not too far from his house.  My son got some pic's of a bench that's near his gravesite.  Come to think of it he also got a few pics of the house, but they weren't close up like yours are and didn't show much of what it looked like.  Only a really big yard and lots of trees with a part of the house in the background and someone walking up near the front.


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Re: ReallyMe and Izzy
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2007, 02:51:26 PM »
Love the pix, Izz!

thanks for sharing them.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: ReallyMe and Izzy
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2007, 03:56:28 PM »
Hi Izzy...  I'm sorry, I'm so distracted today.  You had already said it was the one in Hendersonville.  I'd love to share these pics with my son, but don't want to bring him to the voicelessness board to see them.  And what we share on the board is private... so I was wondering if you would mind if I printed them for him.  They are so much better than the ones he has.  If not, no worries.  Thanks for sharing them.


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Re: ReallyMe and Izzy
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2007, 04:05:35 PM »
Thanks MS and Hops,

His house burned? Well this was his, in 1972, as I spoke to the gate guard, since I 'walked' further into the driveway than anyone else would likely be allowed.

I'm thinking the bigger yard must have been between the 2 driveways, as I know Kris K, landed a helicopter on it.

Are there ANY resemblances between your son's pictures and mine,--of course things change over the years--even trees.

Since I couldn't get on and off a bus, I followed a tour bus to get to Johnny's place--finally the bus driver came back and talked to me (knew I was following) said he was on a south Nashville tour, that I needed Hendersonville. LOL :oops: I felt stupid, :oops:  but I the drove to Hendersonville and found these.


sure MS--right-click on each one and Save to a Folder, then print from your hard drive. NP  :lol:


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Re: ReallyMe and Izzy
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2007, 04:23:14 PM »
Yes, there is resemblance.   The portion of the house that I can see in his pic looks like the same house only I think his is in the front part of the house. It's just the doorway in the distance with someone standing there. Not anyone from the Cash family though because the pics were taken after his death.  I wish I could show them to you but I don't have a scanner.

Here's a couple articles about the house burning.

Thanks Izzy, he'll enjoy seeing them.


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Re: ReallyMe and Izzy
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 04:36:37 PM »
Thanks MS,

I'm in Canada and we don't always hear what has happened--their deaths, Yes--but the house---No!

Thanks for the links!
You are welcome re the pictures. It felt really great for me at the time to be there, wondering if Johnny was right inside.......