because you stated your truest wishes and feelings about being living with an abusive husband, It seems to me that you are taking steps to free yourself from what must be an emotionally exhausting, scary, painful way of living. I, get it. I married two abusive men. first one was physically abusive. second one was emotionaly abusive to the point that I was sure he was crazy. He wasn't. Please do all you can to have a "safety plan" for when the day comes that you walk (or skip/run/speed-walk as I did out the door. your local womens' shelter can help. it's RE.ALLY important for your physical safety beacause an abusers sense of control depends on consistent access to the controllee. If that access is threatened their is most often a violent explosion like you've never seen (directly after the confusion and psudo please of needing you have been voiced by the abuser).
You are a loving human being who DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE TREATED WITH ANYTHING OTHER THAN LOVING KINDNESS. Chances of him making significant, permanent, POSITIVE changes are around 3%-7%. This data is factual. and finally, Jill's reliable quote: "Every 5 years or so I look back on my life and I have a good laugh...." Indigo Girls. write something in a journal the day you leave, or even today, date it and look at it in 5 years. you'll see...!!!! :u )) May you have peace....