Hey again, Tweety,
My mother was never wrong, either

And in truth, she
is often right.
Often, not always... and there's the rub. She taught me that I had to be as "right" as she, icy and unassailable, in order to survive.
I sure would have learned alot if she'd only admitted the times she was wrong. Ever. Even just a tad incorrect.
About anything. Sheesh. I'm trying to view her now more objectively... to see her as a case study of what a person becomes
when she ignores, denies, turns off, stuffs, hides, or otherwise abuses her own feelings.
I strongly relate to what you said about your need to know and understand keeping you going.
That's how it was for me when I first learned of NPD about 5 years ago. I couldn't read, study, absorb enough on the topic.
There've been several different phases of recovery since that time... some that focused on letting go, others that focused on gathering together, and
yet others where all I could do was hang on. Kinda like Ecclesiastes 3 - to everything there is a season.
Right now, I'm just learning to relax enough in my own skin to appreciate the now, while still looking forward to the day when
I can step far enough back to view the whole process on a continuum.
I don't know when that will be, but that's something to which I think we can look forward in anticipation, for a change,
instead of with fear and dread. So there it is - the here and now, the future, and the past - in that order, I think. Hmm... seems proper

All present and accounted for, but no one season overriding the other to the point of voiding it.
Hey, I like that!
Thank you for the opportunity to think aloud here.
With love,