Author Topic: Do people with N mothers have stomach problems(anyone's experience is wanted)  (Read 2899 times)


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Yes I had serious tummy problems for many years.  I always knew they were related to anxiety and fear because the connection was so clear.  Every year when I went back to school I could barely eat for about 6-8 weeks.  My stomach was too cramped up.  Especially in the morning, which I've read is when the stress hormone cortisol is at its highest levels as well.  I'd spend long periods in the bathroom with debilitating cramps as if my entire insides were spasming.  I'd break out into shaking and cold sweats and it would just spasm again and again until I was just wrung out.  Eating made me sick, and at the other end of the digestion process, just worsened the whole experience.

Also, I expected myself to soldier through this and not mention it to anyone.  And oftentimes I would choose to push forward in situations that brought on the pain, but I never conquered it that way. It didn't make the pain go away or solve anything.

It happened less often in my 20's but still did happen.  Yet, in my 20s I believe I began to be avoidant of situations that provoked this kind of pain.  Say, new jobs or job searching or applying to grad school are just the sort of things that would provoke major pain, so I stayed in the same job for a decade.  I took GREs and LSATs but couldn't bring myself to apply anywhere, etc.

But it has not happened at all since a friend of mine told me what she did.  She said - she experienced such cramps and she asked her stomach to tell her what the concern was.  She sat with herself and patiently directed her attention in a receptive way to this area of the body and listened to all it had to say.  And the cramps went away.  Now I do that, too. 

See, in the past, I was punishing myself for what I had to say (and what my body had to say) - I was acting like my N parent to myself.  I was soldiering on because I wasn't allowed to have fear, vulnerability, anxiousness - that sort of thing infuriated my dad because it was needy.  So I ignored and punished that neediness in myself, and hated myself for it and the pain continued. 

I still have anxiety issues, but not to the extent of that incredible physical pain.  I still have a lot to learn about the proper way to interact with my own body and self and others too, but I do yoga and study yoga philosophy and feel it helps very much because it is a practice of actions that are kind and wise and friendly with yourself.  It's a practical path of action on these issues.
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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You guys mean  so much to me.
 Iphi----- that is so fantastic to ask your "stomach" to speak
  Nursie--you are such a comfort
Thanks Hops, Hope, Peace, Tweety, Spy,Bones and dear Janet
Right now I have a stomachache .I get it from having a yeast infection  from all this internal stress in the last 3 weeks--- plus house breaking a Yorkie.
  I think that I have been absorbing people's "bad' emotions since I was 14. I used that word on my thread. I  realized when I saw the word"absorb", that  that was the problem. I am like some 'living charcoal" . I absorb all the anger, fear and pain.This is what I did as a child. I do it with My H, now.
   I am so afraid of anger and abandonment. These last 3 weeks, I am standing up. I have stood up many times. I feel dizzy and afraid. However, I know that there is no quality of life for me if I don't own my core. it is that simple. I am fighting for my life.
  If I even think that someone could be mad at me, I get dizzy
. These are old responses  from when I was a child. It must have been truly horrible to see that your mother was a raging 3 yr.old and you were totally alone-- at her mercy. You had to keep figuring out how to placate her. You just wanted her to be O.K. so you would not have to be afraid. You just wanted to be someplace where you could be the child-- not the watchman for her anger..
                                                                                                                      Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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I have always had irritable bowel syndrome which acts up at various times, seemingly stressful times but not always.  The worst time I had with my stomach was when I worked for the N several years ago.  By the end of my five years there I was having a great deal of nausea and indigestion and thought I had developed food intolerances.  So, I started eating about half as much as usual and cut out all dairy.  I lost about 20 pounds in six months.  (Then I walked out on the job anyway!)  I went from 125 to 105 (on a 4'11" frame).  While I was and am pleased to have lost some excess weight, it is not a method I would recommend!

Recently read two books on Autism and Asperger's syndrome.  My father diagnosed himself with Asperger's toward the end of his life.  I figure that condition would have a major impact on family life and read these books to see if I "recognized" anything or anyone.  I did.

Both books mention the relationship of gluten and casein in the diet to both of these conditions.  That also rang a bell with me.  According to this theory, casein and gluten in the diet have a detrimental effect on the digestive tract of some people with Asperger's and Autism.  Removal of foods containing these items helps the digestive tract and also the Autism.  I am considering trying an at least partially casein free/gluten free diet to see if that helps my stomach and maybe even my personality.

I was really surprised to see that diet could have an impact on some types of personality.  A physical connection to something that I thought was mostly spiritual or emotional.  Not everybody buys this theory, but the authors of both books have personal experience with it and saw real improvement when they started the diets in their families.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon