Hi Beth,
This is just in time... a great help to review, re-shuffle, re-sort and evaluate. Thank you!
Thinking on this, I'm picturing a deck of cards. When you try to shuffle them the worn ones with bent edges will often get stuck sideways or drop out. Those are the ones that need some attention... to be mended... maybe even replaced.
Maintaining boundaries was the first I had to work on. For awhile, I'd kept them too tight, too closely guarded.
Noticing now that I'm actually able to practice relaxing those somewhat now... because self-respect has had time to become established and grow a bit.
Self-respect/valuing self has allowed respect for others to flow and ease some of the perceived need for such stringent boundaries. This is definitely not a process which can be hurried!
Inability to access emotions is the current issue, I think.
Maybe not to access, because that old "flat-lined" phase is past... but to recognize the emotions.
Past work with my husband uncovered alot... and recent connections with my oldest daughter have shown me that many emotions were still deeply buried, and yet survived. That brought an awakening. Then there've been other recent incidents where I felt prompted to examine a flash of anger and recognized that its root was in hurt feelings - that startled me. It's hard to say what's next in this line of work, because it's still all so new... but acknowledging these emotions and exploring them down to their roots seems to be the task at hand.
Trust - I don't know. Not there yet

I trust God. Basically I'm thinking that's as good as it gets... too many expectations attached to other forms of trust?
I do trust my husband and my children and my best friends... to a point. Not sure to what point.
Guess it's appropriate to take a look at what exactly that trust is composed of and define its limits?
I don't know whether this may be further along on my own to-do list or just needs to settle in more deeply. Time will tell.
About forgiveness, Beth... just my thoughts - I think that's so closely tied with a newfound self-respect along with an intimate relationship with God - that the two go hand in hand. Defining and accepting self apart from any other human being... recognizing just how much God has forgiven me of... that all helped alot.
Thank you again for drawing out these thoughts!