First off, I apologize!
Dandylife, Pennyplant, CB...
Not sure how it happened, but I'm definitely out of practice with reading these threads and I just now saw your posts here for the first time. Partly due to having the posts listed in reverse order, I think, with the newest at top.
Anyhow, I'm sorry - I appreciate your helpful views and am so glad to read them. Thank you!
what you said about not normalizing the "dad in jail" lifestyle...
I needed to hear and will definitely pass that on to my daughter. I just don't know how she will handle that part of it... she's so different from me and this sort of life has become so "natural" to her. She just sounds so very... coarse.
Even speaking with her on the phone, her talk is sprinkled with "curse words"... talk that we never had in our home. And yet she did spell out the word "jail" once when Elisia was in the vicinity. It's just... weird.
I suspect there's alot that's been normalized in her home that I'd find abnormal.... thank you, Pennyplant.
Bones, I sent you a pm with the name... and thank you again.
Normally I enjoy researching and Google is my favorite tool, but in this situation I am feeling a strong need to keep my distance.
It's as though I can report to my daughter giving her other peoples' views, but can't get personally invested.
There are many reasons for this, I know, but not one of them do I care to examine right now. My daughter is extremely N'ish... and I expect she'll do whatever is convenient for her at the moment. The fact that she and I are able to converse these days hasn't changed that a bit.
Sela, thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
What you've expressed here is my own gut feeling, which I seem to be bound and determined to "rise above" so that I can remain neutral. I don't feel too neutral at the moment.
The whole idea disgusts me, too. I'm glad that you were able to exercise your own choices in the past and I have to say I think that I would have handled it the same way. It's wonderful to hear that your children were able to grow into well rounded young adults! Congratulations, Mom

In some ways I wish Elisia was a bit older, so that she could have more say about her feelings and wishes in this... and yet I'm glad she's young enough that it may not have so much impact (theoretically)... and all the while I think - the way he is, maybe it's best all the way around that he have no contact with her. None. I've been amazed throughout the past few years that my daughter has allowed him to continue his visitation...
but it's none of my business.
Thanks for this, Deb "Your GrandD will be fine. Promise."
Holding that thought!