Hey Write, what is mental illness but part of being human? its the same as breaking a leg or an arm, the stimga with mental illness is the result of fear of the unknown, because people cant see mental illness for what it is, chemical imbalances and skewed thought processes, they shy away from it as to look at it too closely they may see something in themselves that is not healthy, or they may fear its catching or they may have any number of other ignorant viewpoints. I realise you may be wirting about another post you have written but I thought Id just say what I thought about mental illness as I wont shy away from it as I have mental health problems as do nearly 90& of the population - what really is normal anyway? Not me!

Also not sure why you feel the need to say that you will say your piece if need be, that goes without question, maybe Im missing something from another post, but I will always listen to what you and everyone else has to say, to take on board another point of view is what makes us compassionate and human, to disregard anothers viewpoint without due consideration comes from a cold hearted and fearful place.