I think to ask posters to post in a certain way is creating an atmosphere built on control and a BPD-esque "you should know what I'm thinking".
Celebrate differences, celebrate opionions.
This is what we live for as humans who relate to each other as communicators.
When someone floats a thought on the board, it's asking, pleading for other thoughts to be shared.
That's exactly why we're here, right?
I don't think you're the first one to share this with us but..... I'll chime in and say......
Hear, hear, Dandylife.
I depend on receiving different views from this board. It's a bit like having cabinet members, really, lol.
If I want a particular type of opinion, I can ask a particular poster for their input.
I know who's likely to post warm and fuzzy, and who's not, lets face it.
Everyone has their strengths and lately..... I've needed intellectual strategies and facts.
It wouldn't be productive if everyone I depend on to be pragmatic, all the sudden stopped posting pragmatic and went all warm and fuzzy on me: /
I may not always like what I hear, but I certainly can respect someone's honesty (if they take the time to share it.)
I can always take what I want and leave the rest. No poster's feelings are any more important here than another's..... or at least they shouldn't be?
I've got no problem with a poster asking another poster to please stop posting to them, either.
Seems reasonable enough.
Sometimes people just don't click or they're message isn't what the other needs to hear?
I would, however, think it a bit odd if they continued to post their 'honest' opinion without the expectation they would responded to with honesty, in kind, lol.
::Jumping off here::.... sorry it's in response to your post, Dandylife. Nothing to do with you..... I think, lol. I'm not sure who posted about 'the mean people hurting people' on the board. Something like that.
I'm afraid I can't keep up with exactly who said what with so many things going on with this thread.
I can't make heads or tails of who the meanies are supposed to be and who's the victims are and in what time frame, with respect to old disputes/misunderstandings and current ones and on which threads. Sorry

I don't read every post on the threads I post on, to add more confusion on my part.
Any poster who feels they need to point out behavior they dislike may feel free to receive honesty in return, or choose to stop posting with a poster as an alternative, IMO.
There are no rules that everyone must get along at all times.
I've worked through HUGE personality clashes and triggers with posters I perceived to be the 'meanies' on other boards.
I gotta admit, it was 4 years before we could get along but we mostly left each other alone between clashes but.....we eventaully stopped judging one another.
It wasn't that we didn't agree with each other, so much, we simply disliked each others deliveries and I certainly questioned her motives, (which seemed to be hurting newbies and driving them away about 6 posts into their first thread

Ticked me off.
You can imagine I said so, lol.
Ad nauseum.
Through those struggles we came to admit we shared beliefs.... became more tolerant of each others wounds and triggers.
My ignorance and idealism stopped leading me.
Her abusive childhood trauma stopped ruling her (and driving away newbies.)
I learned from her far superior experience and knowledge.... despite her offensive delivery.
Maybe bc of it, in part.
Certainly got my attention, lol.
This is a support board.
There should be no debates.
Discussions should rule but.... one man's discussion is another man's attack, in my experience.