Hey Tay,
I have a really nice chica for Darth. She even has a beautiful bee hive hairdo. She does not like Frankenstein. She fears him. Hmm wonder if Frankie is an N. Oh to think they dragged her out of resting spot to bring her back to life and stick her with AN N.
Or maybe she was the N. She did scream in terror when she disapproved of his looks. She might need a nice looking star wars (trophy guy) hanging off her arm (that is as long as the arm stays attached to her body).
Ah either way whoever the N is if it was her what a freaking blow to Frankie. All that time he spent waiting for her. Wore his heart on his sleeve (maybe for real). Brings her flowers, love grunts and she screams, humiliates him and takes off with Darth.
Ah maybe it was because he has a big light saber.