I feel blessed to be alive... and that's still a fairly new feeling for me.
All that came before seems like an endless maze... struggling to make something of value... and then to keep it, only to have it crumble away because I couldn't be good enough or right enough to hold it together.
My mother loves to retell the story of my birth. She and my dad had my brother about 2 years into their marriage... and then, ten years later, I came along (allegedly as a result of ongoing efforts

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is because I don't buy that part.
I don't believe that my mother really wanted another child. I feel that she only aquiesced to popular demand.
But anyway... here I came - at high Noon - preceded by severe bleeding and major trauma to my poor suffering mother and all of the doctors whose lunch hour was interrupted. Her Rh factor created the need for blood transfusions, as I recall, along with numerous other gory details. She seems to love to repeat this story at each of my birthdays. Now that I live 1,000 miles away, she's limited to saying "I remember where I was X # of years ago..." at which point I immediately say, "Oh, here, one of your grandchildren wants to say hi." Yup yup - my mother and I are both lucky to be alive. Translated - I owe her my undying allegiance into eternity. Somehow, my birth elevated her status to that of goddess and relegated me to the realm of shadows, where I wasn't allowed to exist unless I was dutifully reflecting her glory.
And that's all I have to say about that
I hope this doesn't sound like an expression of pity, but I am sorry that your mother was so devoid of humanity that she was able to say to you what you said. Absence of humanity manifests in many forms, but they all lie. Meeting Jesus has been the greatest discovery of truth in my life. Because of Him, I can say that I'm blessed to be alive.
With love,