Ya, my foot. I sent that picture to my daughter and she freaked about diabetes.
I took that a bit back, and it still looks the same--so awful, eh?...............................well when I sit in my regular sitting position, my feet are on "my floor" as are yours.
Blood circulates round and round, but for me I have very poor cirulation re my legs and feet.
They are normal in the morning when I've spent quite a number of hours horizontal. By about 2:00 in the p.m. my foot is like this--all the blood there and not in my brain??????
HAW! HAW!perishables-----THANK YOU...............CH
Again this is my foot at this very moment but it is always this way by afternoons.
Just thought I'd get a REACTION! ( AND
perishables)I think I am just thinking about how little my bro and sis know about me, and if I showed them my foot in the afternoon, they would freak right out!
you two didn't