Dear friends, yesterday I felt wonderful. Knowing that I did what is was correct. Today I feel very sad. What triggered it?
It seems like Write says that Lighter wants to keep things private. I read her post and I felt a lot of pain there. I thought that it needed its own thread. Maybe I did not help and I made her feel bad.
Then I feel bad because instead of dealing with the behavior of my "friends", I cut them out of my life. I should have enforce my boundaries and then take action. They were abusing me because I provoked it with my needy attitud. I regret now. Why I regret? I do not know. I have two new "friends" that are going to the dance with me. I will drive, but I choose to do that. My son only 20, he deals with his friends and keeps the friends forever. I was afraid to deal, I feel desperate, instead of dealing I just left. Maybe, since I have not resigne officially fromn the book club, I should just go back in a a month as I said. P is an N and I dont want her. That I dont want. That has no way to teach her.
Later when I went to the gym, one of the trainers who always was very nice to me, suddenly turned totally indifferent. She is only nice in private, but when her other collegues are there she totally ignores me. Maybe she does not want to show her colleges that she is nice to me. Came home very sad.
These little things should not make me sad. Today I feel so sad, it is rediculous.
Why, little stupid things make me scared? I mean literally scared. I should not be scared if a young lady probably 20 does not say hello to me, she makes no more that 7.00/hr, she probably did not even finish high school, not going to college, why her sympathy is so important to me. Not everybody has to like me.
I am trying to give information to Jackelin new poster about N mother, because that will help her understand that she does not need to please her mother, she will never be pleased. But I have the eeling that I am not helping.
Why do I need to feel needed? I do not need anybody, I said it yesterday. I do not need anybody to say hello, I do not need anybody to love me, I can love my self. I am an adult.
Then, why the heck I am so sad?
Does this happens to any of you, guys? dear friends? do you feel bad when somebody does not salute you?