Dear Bill,
I hear ONLY love in your thread. THANK YOU. I am surprised that I am so hard on myself. It is just "normal" to me--- unfortunately
Today, I found the answer, I think. . All of a sudden, I saw how I got this way( so hard on myself) and also the way out.
My mother saw people as black and white. If you had ANYTHING wrong with you ,you were black. So, I was black b/c I had things wrong with me .. In her mind, there were "white" people out there. They were perfect. They did all facets of life-- perfectly. They were flawless in school,looks, personality, talent , confidence, fearlessness, independence etc.
I was black and therefore, I was worthless. So, I take on this "blackness' and I live in it.It is what you are talking about. The worst part of all is when I think that I am "bad"b/c of my thoughts--- anger, dislike of someone , fear,selfishness. I have her in my head and she keeps pressing the button--- BLACK ,BLACK. So, consequently-- I am always in worthless mode. That is so huge to me, Bill.. I think that seeing this distortion ,today will be the way out. I so appreciate your thread and it was exactly at the right time. Before, I may have felt helpless to change and upset and hopeless.Today, I just happened to have "seen" the answer even before I read your thread
For me, I express my thoughts on the board in stark terms b/c it is my attempt to be honest with myself . Once I say it, it almost starts healing on it's own-- just by admitting it.That is why I am so gut wrenchingly honest .I try to be fearlessly honest b/c I am so, so starved for honesty . Honesty is like water to me . ..
Once I have gotten to the place where I can express something, healing seems to follow as a natural flow.
Bill, are you as hard on yourself as I am? Are you trying to find the way out,too?
Bill, I so appreciate your taking the time to write and to care.It means so very much Janet, thanks for the kind , warm thoughts. Mo4, Thank you,too
Love Ami