Author Topic: Hell-o  (Read 4924 times)


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« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2004, 01:28:54 PM »
Hi Feline,

In reading your posts, it seems like you have so many reasons to be so disappointed and angry and with humans.  Probably a bunch of other feelings, too.  I truly hope that, by being here, you’ll find a few folks who aren’t so wicked and who can give you a little faith that there are some people out there who haven’t given in to the weaker aspects of humanity.  I only say this because maybe then you could be feline while accepting the human parts of you – without being too hard on yourself.  Because it sounds like you’ve worked hard to carve out the bad stuff and keep the good.

When I was in high school, I dreamed of someday living in Africa or India to study the big cats – especially tigers.  I read a lot of books on how to survive off the land, researched the wildlife in various parts of the world, and learned about the climate conditions of the various regions.  I wanted to get away from people back then, so the idea of being out in the wild, with maybe just my family to protect, was such a nice, safe place to be.  I wasn’t at all afraid of being with tigers!  I overheard my mom once talking about these dreams I had with a friend of hers:  “Yeah, I know.  We’re all hoping it’s just a phase and that she’ll grow out of this soon.”  Ouch.  And then, once, when mom dragged me along to go bird-watching with her boyfriend, I didn’t want to be with them so I stayed in the car.  Mom put on her disgusted face and said, “Some naturalist you’ll be.  You don’t even like to go outside.”  Double-ouch.  So I think I can begin to understand how hard it must be to hear people undermining what you want to achieve in life.  It’s pretty stinky. :x

You may already know about this, (but I’d feel pretty awful if I found out you didn’t and I never said anything), but there’s a society of people who feel the way you do about people and about really identifying with a particular animal.  Some are cats.  Some are wolves.  Pretty much any kind of animal.  I don’t really know much more than that - just something I heard about a few months ago -  but I was thinking that they could provide a lot of support for your feline side.  Just wanted to mention it, just in case.

Anyway…welcome Feline :D

If you want to sing out, sing out
And if you want to be free, be free
'Cause there's a million ways to be, you know that there are
-- Cat Stevens, from the movie Harold and Maude


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« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2004, 10:35:16 PM »
Yes I am involved with the furry community somewhat. My issue with the furries is they are too conflict avoidant. Which means the emotionally manipulative people still control what goes on in the community in the name of smoothing feelings and making 'peace' They are all for diversity until someone doesen't go along or until someone displays thier own talents  for fun and shares them for the hellof it thinking furs might get a kick out of it..Then the covert  backbiting begins.In the name of all things..humility and avoidance of offending others ( read: the narcissistts of the group)sensitivities.Really what it is is that some people in the fur community are insecure so they must drag everyone down too. It's just like any other community of humans once you peel away the animal veneer.
So I don't relate well with most furries.past the interests in constuming tecniques.
But thanks anyway One furrry group I respect is the ASDA.They can handle a bit of diversity and differences. The trans girl wolf trixie who runs ASDA is a wonderful canine.