Author Topic: No contact rule  (Read 5956 times)

Certain Hope

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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2007, 10:13:10 AM »
I love the words: addicted to the energy of abusive people. I have a scary visual in my head of that addictive energy radiating like a spider web, seen only by those who are addicted (and invisible to others). I guess i want to stare at that web so long that I make it disappear in my own mind (""poof""), if that makes any sense! :)


This makes sense to me. Staring at the web now.
You know, it seemed so pretty when the dew was fresh on it, all glittery and strong... quite enticing.
Now it just looks like the trap it is.
Negative energy... fueled by envy and bitterness... trying to avoid it only seems to make it grow stronger. Yes, I think it feeds on avoidance as well as affirmation. Can't ignore it. Can only stare it away.


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« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2007, 11:55:22 AM »
I love the words: addicted to the energy of abusive people. I have a scary visual in my head of that addictive energy radiating like a spider web, seen only by those who are addicted (and invisible to others). I guess i want to stare at that web so long that I make it disappear in my own mind (""poof""), if that makes any sense! :)


This makes sense to me. Staring at the web now.
You know, it seemed so pretty when the dew was fresh on it, all glittery and strong... quite enticing.
Now it just looks like the trap it is.
Negative energy... fueled by envy and bitterness... trying to avoid it only seems to make it grow stronger. Yes, I think it feeds on avoidance as well as affirmation. Can't ignore it. Can only stare it away.

Is that why NC is so important.... bc we can't resist the pull of abusive people's energy?  ::puzzled look::

I'd hate for that to be true.  

I'm not built for conflict, esp ongoing conflict with an enemy I've placed in position of trust.

My first husband told me he expected me to 'keep him in line'  Argh...

Can people re-file abusers, leave them in place of trust but remove them from the position in our hearts and heads?

Why would we do that?

What would the cost be?

There would be no room for someone who would build us up and enrich our lives.  

What would the cost be to the children in this....... re la shion ship?  

That's not the kind of relating I want to model for my children. ::despair::

AHHHHHH!  Picturing being in that position and feeling like I'd have to alternately rise above, scratch and fight for my dignity then turn away and show my children how to live in the moment and enjoy it,no matter?

So confusing I can't keep dithering on this post going in tight little circles I can't make sense of.




Certain Hope

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Re: !
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2007, 12:05:55 PM »

Is that why NC is so important.... bc we can't resist the pull of abusive people's energy?  ::puzzled look::

I'd hate for that to be true.  

I'm not built for conflict, esp ongoing conflict with an enemy I've placed in position of trust.

My first husband told me he expected me to 'keep him in line'  Argh...

Can people re-file abusers, leave them in place of trust but remove them from the position in our hearts and heads?

Why would we do that?

What would the cost be?

There would be no room for someone who would build us up and enrich our lives.  

What would the cost be to the children in this....... re la shion ship?  

That's not the kind of relating I want to model for my children. ::despair::

AHHHHHH!  Picturing being in that position and feeling like I'd have to alternately rise above, scratch and fight for my dignity then turn away and show my children how to live in the moment and enjoy it,no matter?

So confusing I can't keep dithering on this post going in tight little circles I can't make sense of.





It's not that we can't resist the pull toward negative energy...
it's that the act of resistance actually feeds the negative energy - in the upside down, backwards world of NPD.
Remember? N doesn't care whether it meets a welcoming or opposing force - her/his reaction is the same.
She/he flips it around and feeds on it as supply.
I read somewhere that the overwhelming desire of N is to destroy all innocence. We may try to be good, to do good, to model goodness to others, to our children... to receive goodness from supportive, encouraging others... but all this only enrages N.
NO one is allowed to be good, right, and just apart from N or to seek goodness, rightness, and justice from any other source.

Hope I didn't just give the merry-go-round another shove.



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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2007, 12:39:58 PM »
NC has been really hard for me in terms of my xN until last year.  i felt really "in love" with him, and so hurt and betrayed and misunderstood...i just HAD to make him understand somehow, or at least defend myself against his crazy accusations.  then he ended up with all of my stuff (funny how that happens), extorted money from me to send me my stuff or he'd "get rid of it", never sent the stuff, told me he'd gotten rid of the stuff, and 8 years later, still tries to find me to ask me if i still want my's crazy-making.

after all of this, i still, for some ungodly reason, felt like maybe if i just was friendly in a superficial way toward him, he'd stop being mean to me and behave like a normal human being.  it wasn't until last year, when he began talking badly about my married friends to me (saying they were having affairs, etc) and him not respecting my boundaries when i told him to stop telling me about my friends, i didn't want to know, (he'd keep telling me more and more), that i had to block him on myspace and email for good.

just time to let go.  it's really sad, this NC thing, because i'm quite good friends with my other ex-boyfriends.  he's the only one i can't have any contact with whatsoever.  it makes me sad, because this is someone i shared an important time in my life with, someone i loved deeply, who basically has to be dead to me, for all intents and purposes.

but, there is the peace of mind that comes with just have to keep reminding yourself why there is NC to begin with, i think.


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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2007, 06:27:05 PM »
:::Hanging off merry go round sideways:: 

Squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek......

I just know, I won't be going back to N, Hope. 

Certain Hope

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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2007, 07:45:10 PM »
Better to squeak and grind, stub a toe, skin an elbow... whatever it takes, just hang on.
Those are flesh wounds compared to the damage done by NPD.


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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2007, 08:52:59 PM »
Better to squeak and grind, stub a toe, skin an elbow... whatever it takes, just hang on.

I'm hanging, Hope....

I'm hanging. 

I just can't wrap my mind around the whole N/sociopathic reality thing. 

I go in and out of being on top of it and seeing it all so clearly then....

I hit a bump and my mind goes into revolt.

I don't want this to be my reality.  ::shaking head::

I don't want this to be       'my childrens'       reality: (

Remember Goldie Hahn in Overboard?  Ba ba Buh Ba ba ba...

This is an excercise in forcing myself to focus on things I have an aversion to. 

Heh, I just realized I passed through the phase of forcing myself to focus on things I had a phobic response to. 

I guess it just keeps getting easier.... I hope?

Next phase.... what is the next phase?

Certain Hope

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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2007, 09:12:49 PM »
In realizing that you've stared your fear full in the face, I hope you also recognize how courageous you are.
Remember that bit...? Courage is not the absence of fear, it's the willingness to meet it head on.

I didn't think that I had the strength and courage to escape... still can't explain it, except to say that God has mercy on the weak and broken-hearted.

As I recall, the next phase is just to stand your ground. You know all the tactics of N, so the element of surprise and shock is gone.
That's a relief! I know it sounds weird, but I remember that... it was almost a relief each time he'd pull some goofy stunt... more validation. Surround yourself with encouragers... supportive folks of sound mind and level heads... you know, like us  :)
(((((((Lighter)))))))   I do believe you've conquered the worst of it and it will get easier.
I'm prayin for you.



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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2007, 09:26:58 PM »
Well..... Hope.....

::looking around:: 

I'm standing my ground, lol. 

I just don't like the ground I'm standing on.

It's a long contest... it requires stamina in an arena N's practiced in. 

I'm not, but that's OK. 

I'm learning and as you say... the shocks gone. 

That helps a lot.

My N said he'd wear me down till I was screaming to be released, broken and poor.... just be released from the legal battle.


If he keeps going the way he is......

maybe it'll be him screaming and begging to be released from the battle?

Cheers my heart to picture it going that way: /   


Certain Hope

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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2007, 09:53:41 PM »
That picture works for me  :D

You know, it's funny... with npd-ex, it was just exactly those skills in which he considered himself to excel - those arenas where he was a self-proclaimed expert - where he always made his biggest mistakes.

Take great comfort in that, Lighter... he runs his expert mouth long enough and he'll insert both feet.



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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2007, 10:14:04 PM »
I think our Judge actually cares about our children. 

::fighting urge to feel like an ignorant rube::

I think he'll be very very angry at all the shenanigans N's been pulling. 

Certain Hope

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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2007, 10:17:01 PM »
I think our Judge actually cares about our children. 

::fighting urge to feel like an ignorant rube::

I think he'll be very very angry at all the shenanigans N's been pulling. 

I agree with this statement a kazillion percent!

You are not an ignorant rube. Some judges really do care... and this won't be the first N he's encountered... and.... he doesn't like shenanigans!!  Guaranteed!


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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2007, 11:52:37 PM »
Lighter...I'm shoving a buoyant surfboard right under you as you look at the big're perfectly aligned, it is going to be a ride, and you may even shoot the tube...but you will wind up on shore, safe, exhilarated, exhausted, with your kids in the sun...

Hope...I am pretty awed by your confession about some of your old thought patterns, your tremendous honesty and accountability. I also really like the way you describe without self-loathing. I think you really do have faith that's let you see what doesn't work without bashing yourself, and this is soooo healthy... thanks for modeling that

Portia...I love not only your curiosity but your eternal resistance, it appears to me, to fixation. You flow. And stay open.

NMMG, I admire your truthfulness about your grief, and your resolve. You must've unhooked from your "stuff" as well, once it was demoted to a tool for him to try to manipulate you with. Congratulations. You have freed yourself. And uber-congratulations on blocking him. That is so revelatory, emancipating, bracing...bravo.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2007, 08:37:42 AM »
Hops, thank you for those words! Resistance to fixation eh? Mmm. I like changing my mind, that’s for sure. How about a bit of reciprocity? How about how I’ve been reading Hops of late: as a rock members can cling to in rough seas. You came and hugged me when I was a bit adrift, and of course, I shrugged you away as fast as I could. Thinking of you though I don’t say so.  ((((((Hops))))))


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Re: No contact rule
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2007, 08:40:55 AM »
Hope.... thanks for taking the time to focus on your past experience and share with me.  It makes me stronger to know where you were and how you came through.  ((((Hope))))  Really very comforting and helpful.

Hops.... I sometimes get tingles from your uplifting posts..... that happened this time.  Do you think those tingles are immune health..... actual strength? passing from one person to another?  

That's how it feels and I  keep the surfboard tucked away for the ride, dear friend.

CB...... I'm amazed at the similarities and yet amazed by the differences in controlling cruel people (who squash their loved ones bc they're emotioanally retarded and never have enough of anything for themselves!)  

IF I HAVE ANYTHING....:: smoothing nighty::.... ahem.... the N can't call it a win for himself.  He has to demolish me... demolish the mother of his children.  Nothing else will do.  Society/legal system doesn't see that coming.... it has to creep up on them slowly and then they're slow to respond, just in case he......

 comes around.....



He doesn't care what society thinks of him.  He obviously doesn't give a hank about what the Judge thinks of him.  

Yikes.... what the heck?  What does he have to gain by displaying suicidally flippant behavior in front of the Judge?  

Makes me wonder what he's thinking :shock:  

I guess he's depending on me to fold?  

Before he has to stand up and explain everything he's done?

Glad your new attorney has a little bounce in the water, lol.  You have to keep pressure on the N.