Ok, so I have a computer so I can rant and rant. What started it was she comes up to me and starts reading me and email. No, she doesn't hand it to me and let me read it, no, she has to put her finger on the word and read the email word for word.....so I try to be patient. Then she tells me that she took the diskette I gave her to take to Kinkos to Kinkos and they opened it up. What it was was a template for a Policies and Procedures manual......it said (put your store name here.) So she chose not to have it printed. Well, the reason I had her print it was because she isn't very computer literate and I know her enough to want a hard copy of the manual so she can write all over it (and basically change the whole thing - same thing she does with my memos.....changes the whole thing - irks me!!!) Anyway, so she hands me back the diskette and says she wants me to print it out. Well inside the folder there were about 20 word files and my computer is really slow so I wasn't thrilled about sitting in my office for an hour printing out HER manual. That is why I copied it to a disk for her. So I told her.....why don't you put the disk into the computer and read the files and make changes as you are reading it? She said, I don't know how to. So I told her I was not her secretary and that I thought she needed to take a computer class so I didn't have to do all her grunt work. And then I said that we hired my aunt to do all her grunt work. So then she said, well, tell Aunt to do it and I said YOU tell aunt to do it. She walked into my office (and my aunt was sitting right there) and she said, if you won't do it for me just forget it and she tossed the disk on the desk.......I blew up!!! It just infuriated me. She sits in her office and writes to do lists, etc. Then she wants ME to actually DO the lists. So I told her, "Mom? I am going to treat you like you treat me." "What are these books here? Aren't you supposed to give these to pastors??" "THen aren't you supposed to fill out a form listing who you gave them to and fax it in??" "Why haven't you done that yet?" Well, can you imagine an N being put on the spot like that??? I told her that all I ever saw her doing was pushing paper back and forth. And she told me all I do is walk around. I didn't say it but I wanted to yell, "Haven't you read the One Minute Manager??" They talk about managing while walking around.....touching the employees, encouraging the employees. Our employees hate my mom. They never EVER get any positive feedback from her.....she is such a B - I you know what!!!!!