I think it is timely that I am reading Pema Chodron at the moment.
I will be packing up in a few weeks, leaving my place where I have lived for 30 years and making a new beginning. I am filled with excitement and incredible sadness. I look forward to the challenge of new learning, study, new life and I am so so sad about leaving the place where I brought up my children, my daughter's grave, my sense of home. I may be back in a year's time but part of me feels that that is unlikely, that this is the beginning of something new and a different direction. Thought I do own my house and will not be selling it, part of me feels homeless and lost. I want to acknowlege that.
Izzy wrote on a thread about always wanting to know the ending and I can relate to this. I think back on my life and how it turned out so different to how I thought it would be.
My dream was to be happy!!! Get married to someone I loved, have lots and lots of kids, have an career, grandkids, loving husband, animals, gardens, friends.........
The reality was I got married, divorced had two kids, one died, no animals, number of abusive relationships.......... and here I am in my middle years starting all over again.
I feel lucky that I have the choice to have another direction but I am sad at the loss of the life I wanted. I feel alone and am ok with that mostly as I think fundamentally we are all alone anyway but it so did not turn out how I expected.
I have learned many lessons along the way.......... I have experienced some great joy with my kids and feel blessed for that, I have experienced some terrible suffering and abuse at the hands of Ns and have learned that my job is to protect myself........... so it is is now a time of uncertainty, change, anticipation and loss. A bit of everything.