Author Topic: Want to know if you are left or right-brained?  (Read 5922 times)


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Re: Want to know if you are left or right-brained?
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2007, 11:39:00 AM »
Fun! Thanks Izzy.

I did it twice, 55-62% right-brained (I'm right-handed). The analysis said...
"while capable of being logical, you respond to your own inner-directedness which is often not explainable even to yourself...."

well that's clear then. 8)


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Re: Want to know if you are left or right-brained?
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2007, 12:32:01 PM »
I am surprised your are a leftie with 58% right.

I always read that people who are left handed are right brain dominant and vice versa.
On the other hand, most of the questions were so vague that I could easily (and nearly did) have answered about two thirds of them differently and wound up completely opposite.


Certain Hope

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Re: Want to know if you are left or right-brained?
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2007, 12:57:19 PM »
There were 4 questions on which two different answers seemed equally valid to me. On those, I took the time to try to "feel" which response was more comfortable and natural. Now that I've seen the results, I recognize the challenge I've often faced in learning... the ability to see more than one aspect of a presentation leads to a bit of an internal struggle re: which view to adopt. In the past, that struggle often ended in defeat. What I saw through this little test is that it doesn't have to end that way... I can adopt one way and go with it :)  Very cool!
Thanks again, Izzy!  And I hope you're havin a super day with the "kids"!   8)



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Re: Want to know if you are left or right-brained?
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2007, 01:50:15 PM »
Oh Lord.....  lol.... I am sooooo Right Brained it's not funny, lol. 

Certain Hope

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Re: Want to know if you are left or right-brained?
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2007, 05:51:47 PM »
It is NOT crazy to be 50/50---you're okay CH

Why I found this interesting is that I was left-brained when the N first gave me the program;

Then I was right-brained for some time

Then I was left-brained again and still am

All I can gather from that is that living with him definitely "changed my brain"

to get a picture---- when you get it on screen , hit the print screen Key at the top of your keyboard--then open Paint and Paste   then save it as a .jpg and give it any title you want. I was very inventive. I called mine brain.jpg.

Nmote where you save it, browse, select, open and attach to your message.

I just did this with my daughter tonight too.


Dear Izzy,

Wish we could all have taken the test pre-N, during, and post-N!

Thanks so much for the "how to" info... I'm gonna give it a whirl!

Hope you're feeling like this weekend has been a rousing success ((((((Izzy)))))))
