Author Topic: I am drowning in guilt-- Help  (Read 4557 times)


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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2007, 11:04:55 AM »
They cannot see it because their mind has made a pretty picture of what their life is. You are just unimportant. You don't matter. Any feelings you are putting into the situation are your own. I am learning this bit by bit.
My problem with this is that, I have realized, I want revenge. I need to let that go and be peaceful in my own life. She will NEVER acknowledge that there is a problem. And she has my sister to confirm that I am "high maintenance." Sometimes my dad even agrees, although his eyes are more open... I see it often.
So, Ami, we need to learn to let it go. It is like throwing pebbles at a boulder. There will be no result. Ever. Your focus now has to be on yourself and your family.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2007, 12:20:05 PM »
Dear Ami, I do not understand, how come, you give me such wonderful ideas, so many good advices, yet you do not think the same thing when it is about your slef. You have the knowledge. You might consider the possibility to apply it to your self.
You are a wonderful, loving, supportive, person. Are we twin sisters?
I guess I am saying that I am wonderful too. It was not my intention. Just trying to say that I have the same disease you have. Obtained probably, the same way too.


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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2007, 12:33:16 PM »
This is a really huge topic, I think.  It hits so many different fundamental impacts of having an N parent.  It is helping me just to read it after all these years where all my perceptions have been just in my own head, in Silence, and have never heard or seen anyone discuss these things.  Gaining Strength, many things you have been writing are hitting me like bolts of lightning.  

The way I see them is this.  Maybe it is from having no empathy (maybe that is the retardedness?).  The never see what they do to others, what they say to others.  But they feel the impact of a pea under 10 mattresses or the brush of a feather when it happens to them.  There is no reciprocity in it.  You could sit there face to face and if every time she slapped you, you slapped her right back - you could do it all day and all night for a month and she would never understand that the hand slapping her is a reaction to the slap she is delivering and the slap she experiences will be hateful and persecuting!  And the slap she delivers will always be justified and right.  

Ami, it blows my mind that your mom admitted to NPD, though it makes sense that she would do it for tactical reasons as you explain.  But that she even would means that you are showing strong power right now and she is responding to that.  I hope it doesn't freak you out that you are in power/ "In Power"/ empowered right now.  You are ruling.  You have the upper hand.  I hope you can let that experience continue to be with you and not react against it strongly, because you need to be your own power as is right and be in your own authentic power.  She will try to toss you if she can.  She won't let that stay if she can help it because, this is my own thought based on knowing my Dad, Control is everything to her and is the fundamental core of it all.  I see a lot of different opinions on what is the core, but before I knew what NPD was I saw the core in my dad as Control, Control even if it kills him and lays waste to everything good in his life.  Control at any price.  Any price.  And control of the uncontrollable - not themselves - because they cannot see themselves and cannot even see their own actions (so how could they control them?)  but others, the environment.  It's impossible really.  It's nonsense.  It's futile.

By the way, it's really horrifying that she is a therapist, speaking of destruction.   :shock:

If it were me, I would avoid her now and for quite a while, because you are in power and she will be seeking an opportunity to change that and will be sharpening her weapons and seeking your vulnerability.

I want to say that I have made a certain mistake many, many times.  The mistake was believing that if I change my dad will change.  I think if I counted the years I made this mistake - it would be from about 1985 to 2005.  That's some sad stuff.  Every time I learned something new from the ages of 15 to 35 I took it back.  And got smashed.  Finally I understand why I always felt so much pity for Wile E. Coyote, who everyone can see is going to land underneath the boulder or crash into the canyon again, but still he tries.   :lol:  There's really no excuse for all the water carrying I did in the years 1998 to 2005 either, because by then I knew better or was learning better in therapy - but even then I took the insights back.  But by then I thought letting go of the outcome might change the outcome.  The no-control control approach.  A no expectations expectation.  He is exactly the same and if I acted the same he would be the same as he was.  But I act different now.  It doesn't mean he has changed, but he must change the way he acts with me because my strategies are much improved and I finally understand that strategy must be applied here.  Like a general surveying the ground, like a card player planning to shoot the moon

There's a lot more to say but I'm off to visit my little cookie at daycare.  I want to talk about the double bind of sabotage/paralysis - this is where I have been and in ways still am.  I'm assailing it with everything I have.

P.S. Ami - the ancient Egyptians believed the heart was where wisdom and intelligence resided, not the brain.  They would think everything over with the heart as you do.  
« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 12:35:27 PM by Iphi »
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2007, 01:19:04 PM »
Dear Lupita,
   You ask a good question that I am not totally sure about. For me, I can know many things in the head. Therapists can know many things in the head. However,(IMO) the head really does not do you too much good.
  It is all about the heart. In my heart, I do not know the things that I can see in my head-- if you understand what I mean.
   That is the reason that you are seeing a disconnect, I think.
   I would give a million head things for a few heart knowings                       Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2007, 02:02:46 PM »
Shunned, who is twigi and how come you are working with her?


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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2007, 08:35:08 PM »
YOU GO GIRL.I am soooooo happy for you that you are seeing reality. And me to :lol: Isn't it so much freer, lighter to see things they way they really are. Don't get me wrong , It hurts like hell but it feels so much less crazy to see the truth, no more making excuses or racking your brain to make sense out of non-sense. I am so grateful for this post you have no idea, this is where I started to see reality of the N's in my life and they really are emotionally retarded like you said. I know you want to follow your heart and I have lived by mine, and have always said those exact words. Would you consider a 12 step program? :?. The only reason I am asking is because as I have said I go to AL-ANON , and it has been tremendous in my recovery, they keep the focus on yourself not the person or people who have sent youthere screaming with pain and confusion. They have a saying "stay out of other peoples heads" and keep the focus on you and it makes so much sense because if you try to figure out "emotionally retarded" people and make sense of it you become "emotionally retarded" Do you get it? and our reactions to there stuff becomes just as insane as they are.  For the past year I have climbed out of the insanity  from going to 12step , therapy and now this post, each offered something that the other didn't and "you take what you want and leave the rest" if it doesn't apply. I have gone N/c with my mother and only see her on holidays, B-days. I don't call her and well... she started to call me , and I said (now God she's gonna call , when i am done and don't want it ) :lol:, but It is only to suck me back in and I don't bite anymore, I actually like my life now w/o all the termoil that she caused. Well my friend I know how you feel, we all do and sometimes reality sucks, but for me I like it a hell of a lot  better than being twisted In a ball trying to make sense out of non sense.
Love Tweety

Certain Hope

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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2007, 08:43:58 PM »
They have a saying "stay out of other peoples heads" and keep the focus on you and it makes so much sense because if you try to figure out "emotionally retarded" people and make sense of it you become "emotionally retarded" Do you get it? and our reactions to there stuff becomes just as insane as they are. 

Oh, (((((((((Tweety)))))))... do I ever get it!  Thank you  :D :D :D   
This is just exactly what I needed to hear! 
Hey, I can even shorten it to SOOOPH to remember better.
I love it  :D
Thank you Thank you Thank you



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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2007, 08:50:33 PM »
Im sooooooooooooooooo happy we all are starting to get it :P :P...Yea for us :lol:
SOOOPH it is
Love Tweety


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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2007, 08:57:02 PM »
I got so excited  :lol: 8) : :) :D :lol:that I forgot to say  .......
Your very welcome!!!!!!!!
I can"t take credit for the saying though..I'm just passing on what I've learned.
Love Tweety

Certain Hope

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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2007, 09:21:16 PM »
I got so excited  :lol: 8) : :) :D :lol:that I forgot to say  .......
Your very welcome!!!!!!!!
I can"t take credit for the saying though..I'm just passing on what I've learned.
Love Tweety

(((((((((Tweety)))))))) well, thanks for sharing it... so I can borrow it as my by-line, because this is the answer to multiple lifelong dilemmas which I have zero interest in re-living!



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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2007, 08:16:49 PM »
Oh Dear Ami-

I cried when I read that you are "so thin and cannot eat". I have been there, with constant horrific nightmares all night, and so shaken that I couldn't gulp down food. I wish that I could cook my specialties for you and put on some music, so you could eat and enjoy in peace. Now that my NH has gone, I love being able to eat the things that I love,IN PEACE! I too did not have a mother to "mother" me, I know how hard it can be, but GUESS WHAT! It is so wonderful to be able to make what you like and eat , maybe share some...or go out and get what you really find delicious, but maybe your family and friends do not share your taste for!
I am going to pray tonight that your appetite returns. There are many ups and downs, but life is GOOD! It is short, also- you did your duty in seeing that your M is OK- now go claim your freedom to enjoy and fulfill yourself!!!!

Sic Em Tiger!



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Re: I am drowning in guilt-- Help
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2007, 08:41:49 PM »
Dear Changing,
  I would love if you would keep me in your prayers. Thank you for that beautiful 'maternal" sentiment.It made me cry.It is about "taking care of someone and I am so lonely for someone to take care of me.
  One day,in heaven ,all this pain will be gone. God will be loving and comforting us. We will not remember all these memories of shame and abuse.
  Today, I was thinking about Lazarus, the beggar, and the rich man. I got a "beggar" mother. Your life was so, so sad. I really can see you in my mond with those clothes that came from the 'cleaners. What a precious girl you must have been- so smart and musical-- taking every opportunity to thrive like a little flower.
  Changing-- so much pain.
  You are in my mind as an inspiration. and in my prayers.                                         Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung