Dear GS,
That insight- Moebius strip --is BRILLIANT. That happened to me. It is very, very confusing. Towrite a moebius strip is a strip (of paper) that winds around and is entwined in itself(I think).
GS---- How did you get that insight? . Did it come in a "flash?I will often get deep insights in a "flash'.
Towrite,an opinion on your question.I think that whatever you do-- she will not "feel" it or recieve it. Whatever you do, do for your own well-being and peace of mind. She is doing a whirling dervish dance-- with you or without you.IOW, her "dance" of craziness will continue no matter what you do or don't do. I am so, so ,very sorry. You sound like such a dear person that anyone would be happy to have for a daughter . Love Ami