Author Topic: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts  (Read 2105 times)

Gaining Strength

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thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« on: August 08, 2007, 11:12:54 AM »
For the past few days I've wanted to write something about what I am going through but I couldn't put it in words.  Then yesterday I finally understood.  I have been a little stuck for a couple of weeks.  I was doing very well while I was at the beach with my son.  Then I came back and was around my mother and things went immediately back to where they had been.

Now I understand  - I must continue changing my thoughts and seeing myself whole and healing.  I must see myself progressing in my house clean up and in moving forward with my business plan.  I flash back very quickly into a pattern that is actually fear based - fear of failure and fear of rejection.  Those positions are so normal for me that I am actually not aware that I am fealing, living in a state of fear, but that is where I have been.  Now I am back to working at converting to positive thoughts and a healing mind.

I have made so much progress.  But it is no small wonder that I get stuck when it comes to the big things.  I am overcoming a lifelong pattern.  Persistence will pay off.  I'm so glad I have a place to put my thoughts.

I have not had the courage to start my clean up at my house.  I must do that.  But first, today I will be getting ready to take my son to camp and the ready for school.  I am very able to handle these things and that has not always been true.


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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 11:24:17 AM »
It's a precariouse balancing act, isn't it?

To feel better and stop being so mindful only to find you've slipped a bit and fallen out of the zone, so to speak.

Then you have to go back to robotic mindful ritual mode.... feel better.... start living happily and find yourself treading water with sharks again.

Back to robotic mindful ritualisitic actions then feeling better then feeling quite happy....

I just can't begin to stay centered in the zone, with N's circling me. 

I can't even pretend I can anymore. 

I know I can't do it and I surrender to that and try again, without the N. 

It's much




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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2007, 11:39:23 AM »
Dear GS,
  I think that we have to revise what "normal' is in our bodies and souls. We are used to acting on N tapes and messages. It is the "us" that we have ALWAYS known. It is comfortable. It feels 'right" in a  miserable way.
   Anyway, what I am saying is that hopefully ,when we practice the new behavoirs enough, they will be habit and not so painstaking.
   I think that you are making good progress. It seems like "real" progress is slow,but it lasts better                Love   Ami


No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Gaining Strength

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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2007, 02:41:43 PM »
After so many years of negative thoughts,  its feelings really, sort of a pre-thought thing, just a bad feeling I want to get rid of, sort of the way my dog tries to out run his fleas.  Finally I have learned to use my mind and select very strong, positive thoughts to override these wretched feelings that are about undeserving and rejection.  It doesn't work immediately but I have enough experience that it works, in order to stay with it. 

This morning I heard just the motivation I needed on Dave Ramsey - a Calvin Coolidge quotation about persistence,  I have persistence - that I can do.

Lighter - I almost don't feel as though I have slipped this time.  It is more like I made progress in many ways and there is much more to do.  I am sure that the more entrenched stuff is always the last to give. 

For so long I could not understand why getting a little bit done did not help.  It did not relieve me from the wretched feelings of shame and paralysis.  Then finally I got it - the sabotage.  One of the things that happened repeatedly was that if I had a mess or even faced regular cleaning then I was berated for the mess ever happening.  Consequently, as I have cleaned I have unconsciously been triggered by the endless belittlement.  The only thing that offered relief was burying my head in the sand - NO Action!

Now as I try to set to accomplish a task I must use effusive mental support over even relatively small things.  Boy that can be frustrating but it certainly is better than not being able to accomplish things at all - which is where I found myself a year ago.

Now I am able to accomplish many things.  I am making great progress.  It is the biggest things that I am having a very difficult time facing.  So in preparation I keep working on the smaller, every day sort of things that I was not able to do for so long.  I know the rest will come. - I'm so glad to have this place to work out my struggles.  Thanks for listening - thanks for your support Lighter and Ami.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 09:12:24 PM by Gaining Strength »


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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2007, 09:07:30 PM »
Yay, Jung!

And yay, you, GS...

You have changed so much. Your new voice is strong, it's even affected the rhythms of your writing. It sounds freer, somewhat looser, more like a stride than a tentative tiptoe...I really see that.

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Gaining Strength

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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2007, 09:15:32 PM »
Shunned, I'm all about Jung's house thing.  I have long been familiar with that but only in terms of dreams.  I never thought about how it applies in the physical sense.  By Jove I think you've got something!! Thanks.

and thanks to you to Hops.  That means so much to me coming from you whom I admired from the start of my time here.  I feel much stronger and that gives me the srength to persue the most significant things before me.  Of course I always think of you and One square foot - each and every time I even THINK about the task at hand.


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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2007, 10:53:42 AM »
Hi GS,

Your post really resonated with me.  These are things I’ve been thinking about too.  I do pretty well in changing my thought patterns to healthy ones when I’m away from my mother, but when she starts her games the old thoughts and fears overwhelm me again and I can’t seem to stay where I was before having to deal with her again.

I’ve been thinking since I got home about why the fears take over and why I feel panicked and unsafe when she’s around despite knowing that I’m safe and doing okay now.  And it always takes me a week or so to feel back to normal after I’ve been around her.  And I was thinking about how as children we are trained.  These things would happen over and over so feeling fearful in what feels like the same type of situation happens almost automatically.  So even though I know I’m safe now, the feelings are the same when I am around her and she’s pulling her old stunts.

Then I started thinking about a program I am working to help me declutter my house.  (This may seem off topic but bear with me, it applies).  In this program, flylady emails reminders to members inboxes.  They are the same reminders every day and a lot of them are just one line reminders.  One of the reminders is Shine Your Sink.  Every day this comes to my inbox.  I’ve only been in the program a few weeks, but these daily reminders stay with me throughout the day.

So I started thinking that the things I was taught in childhood, especially things I fear, were taught to me over years and years.  Learning that when she would act a certain way I wasn’t safe, knowing that I was trapped and could do nothing about it.  When I came home this last time and started thinking about all that I was feeling as things were going on, I recognized the same childhood feelings, and saw her playing the same type games and  felt trapped even though I knew I wasn’t.

Then I thought about retraining my brain… I thought about how helpful it would be to create emails to myself that repeated each day.  Just little one line reminders that remind me over and over that things really are okay now, that I’m free to be me and my self worth isn’t based on how my mother treats me.  I learned to be fearful because I was trained to be over and over and as a child, but now maybe I can retrain myself over and over as an adult, and hopefully, next time I have to deal with my mother these things will stick.  I spent a good part of the day yesterday trying to figure out how create reminders in my yahoo box that would repeat automatically each day, and I haven’t figured it yet, but plan on working on it again today.  Some of my reminders are You are not trapped,  You have a right to speak the truth,  It is good to take care of yourself etc. etc.   I figure by seeing them everyday and adding to them as I learn new things, they will become stronger in my mind just like the flylady habits are becoming stronger.  I’m hoping they become so much a part of me that they become my automatic thoughts when my mother starts her games.

When I read your post it seemed you were working in this area too and I thought this idea may be helpful to you.  If you’re interested, when I figure out how to get these repeated reminders to work, I could post the instructions on how to create them.  If you don’t think it would be helpful, no worries… I understand that we all have to walk our own path and different things work for different people.  You may be further along in your recovery and may not need this.

You sound good GS.  Your persistence and effort are paying off for you. 


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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2007, 01:23:05 PM »
two steps forward, one step back.... I do that too GS.

But the overall progress is forward and it's heartening to discover we can indeed cope and survive, and then one day- joy of joys- be happy.


Gaining Strength

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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2007, 02:26:54 PM »
WRITE - thank you.  It is so very helpful to have that encouragement.  As I read it - in it's simplicity and profundity I had a flash - "Wow, that feels so good.  Simple, straight forward encouragement."  That is what I missed out on most of my life and it really helps.  Thanks.  Suddenly I realized how very, very helpful the encouragement I get here is.  Suddenly I realize that often in my posts I am unconsciously or subconsciously searching for it or trying to solicit it.  Thanks for giving it so freely.

Mountainspring - I get it!.  Years ago, long before I found Voicelessness, I found fly-lady.  At that time I really tried polishing my sink and swishing the toilet bowls but the place  I was in psychologically interfered.  But I do get your point about the dailiy reminder. 

Something that keeps coming up to me is the desire I have to receive daily encouragements.  There is certainly a need for an inspriational web site that could do for us what fly-lady does but in this area of self-talk.  I can even envision an inspirational television channel.  Can you imagine if we could turn on such programming late at night when there is little more than crime shows (not good mojo for calming the mind for rest.)  I think you have something.

I love your post - daily inspiration that comes to us from something besides us could go a long way to replenish that void left by life among the Ns.  What a great idea.  Thanks - GS


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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2007, 04:49:33 PM »
Brilliant ideas!
MS, I think it'll be better to make it: I am not trapped.  (First person.)
That way it's also going to work as an autophypnotic suggestion.

Please do let me know if you figure out the note to self thing. I know with Google Mail comes a calendar feature that will send you daily alerts...and you can word the items any way you like. Perhaps that would be a good thing?

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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2007, 05:07:06 PM »
It took me so-o long to learn to detach. It had something to do with working thru the pain. As though once I relased the grief and anguish and hurt and anger, I didn't have to stay connected to the N's dirty deeds any more. They didn't sink in. But with my X-N, it was harder - still is 'cuz I keep hoping she will change, will see the light.
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Gaining Strength

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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2007, 10:57:06 PM »
'cuz I keep hoping she will change, will see the light.

Yep.  That's the trap.  That's it in a nutshell.  The only way out is to know - oops, no change here, no change coming.  But something about getting there feels like suicide.  Only when we understand it is freedom instead can we get free.


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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2007, 12:02:51 PM »
 That is really profound.I can't really see it with my heart,but I will think about it today.
  You are sure having a lot of insights .                        Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: thinking out loud - moving back into healing thoughts
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2007, 12:18:30 PM »
GS - were you thinking of "The only way out is through" ??? 
"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
Time wounds all heels.