Dearest axa,
I believe that ungrieved losses, even the tiniest (use the 1 - 10 scale, 1 being the smallest loss, 10 being the larget) cause untold side effects like depression, bitterness, resentment, hostility, phobias, (the list is endless).
That you've recognized the necessity of grieving this loss and facing off with the sadness is so important. Not saying you won't think of this time in your life throughout your life, but once you go through the grieving process, there's hardly any chance it will have the power to come up from behind in the future and knock you down emotionally. Left ungrieved, and neatly put away (stuffed) it always holds sway on a life and can come back in spades do its dirty work when triggered.
I think it is equally important to grieved our ungrieved past losses. It is a complex exercise, and I don't claim to have all the solutions or suggestions for the most effective way to do it, but unless we do, it still holds court at will, manifesting in crippling side effects often without our recognizing the source.