I've posted parts of my story here from time to time. Until seven years ago when my recovery began, I had been forced to jump through just about every imaginable narcissistic hoop from about age 2 1/2. I'm recovering steadily, but still struggle with residual grief, anger, disappointment, and resentments. I would like to think that one day I'll wake up and exclaim, I'm whole. The work of recovery is finished. It's a new day. I'm the way I was meant to be before the abuse began. Yes, I would like that very much, but on a practical level, it's not likely to happen. What I've stated here and in other accounts of my story are true. My mom IS a full blown narcissist. Now here is where I was going with this little story. Once when I was lamenting my circumstances on the board a person responding to my post, called my mom a name/label. And even though my mom is a narcissist, I just wasn't prepared for someone else to talk badly about her using this particular label.
Later we (the other poster and myself) had a discussion about it and it was resolved with the help of a third poster who had more insight into why my feelings had been hurt. It was because that particular label in my culture or more specifically my region of the country was and is considered crude and socially unacceptable. As I say, this has been completely resolved. There was no malicious intent on the part of the other poster and forgiving her was easy.
I'm not aware of anyone here on VESMB who holds themselves out as professional psychotherapists except out esteemed moderator, Dr. Grossman. The rest of us are in the main, well intentioned, garden variety, amateur, street talking, cyberspacing social psychologist. That pretty much restricts us to giving encouragement by sharing our experiences and offering opinions. I've seen some good educated guesses proffered from time to time as well.
Lupita, labels are not who we are.
You matter. What you say here on the board is good and significant and helpful.
My very best to you.