WHAT A BANNER DAY!I went to the law school today to tie up loose ends- I have been putting out fires, so many pesky emergencies and bureaucratic nightmares, surgery, etc, and I was frightened that perhaps I shouldn't go ahead with law school, what with the expense, and the chaos of divorce looming over it all- I thought this would be a real mess to finalize everything at the last minute. Instead, it was a pleasure- the law school is magnificent, has a gym, lovely place to eat, fountains, the libraries of my dreams. I adore the first year subjects - basics, so interesting and chock full of mystery!The people were nice as well! I think with the hypervigilance connected with NH I never had an opportunity to enjoy myself for so many years- life was a grind, and I was always hurrying to get home to my prison guard, so he wouldn't sabotage our lives, destroy my work products, etc. We never went out unless I was doing chores, laundry, etc- he went himself to play softball, etc. I love meeting and talking to people and taking everything in... I'm so glad I'm back to my physical therapy!I LOVE HAVING TIME TO SAVOR MY JOY!
I love my life now. There is a luncheon this weekend and an orientation dinner and lunch next week, and intensive classes; this is so wonderful! I would have stayed home and repaired the grout in the bath or something instead of going to these events when NH was here (in fact, one of his last gripes was that I wasn't finishing the tile work quickly enough!) I love my silly little old house now , the quiet and the flowers and pets and books- it hardly seems like the same place I shared with NH- how can that be!
Thank you all for being there when I was letting go of NH, and your good advice as well (don't call, go to where he might be, etc.). And the hand holding when I would get despondent, lose my nerve or fall back into self-deception. Chasing a dream of a fantasy family, a fantasy marriage, etc is so unsatisfying- Actually going after a goal and tending to a real family, etc, is so fun and energizing (I may eat my words later during finals!) I LOVE MY NEW LIFE!!! I LOVE MY REAL LIFE!!!
Thank you my dear friends- I am so happy, I would have stumbled and gone backward without your support, as I had done so many times before!!!! I AM LIVING THE DREAM!