I've been off 'being real' in realspace, and discovered that it was exactly time for me to do exactly that. well I have been spending so much time in cyberworld, that quickly crept up again, and of course writing and composign are solitary pursuits....I just need some more 3-D I think.
Last night I sat out watching Shakespeare in town and though I couldn't concentrate I just enjoyed being out there, amongst friends, in a crowd, the bustle of the park and looking up at the expanse of the wider universe.
My world had shrunk for a while, and that's the place a lot of this
'tuning out' the things my head was seeing begins for me, loss of perspective, thinking there aren't many options, not
I was at work today and it's a place where there's been problems for a while and even though the atmosphere was horrible I was able to work well and not let it bother me. I really know what I'm doing now, my confidence in that lets me go with the flow.
Then I came here and ex was a bit bad-tempered. Again, didn't take it personally, when I asked is anything wrong before I came upstairs he smiled and said his depression is back that's all.
I have always taken everything so personally before, I am realising, and extrapolated all sorts of cr*p which is absolutely nothing to do with me!
I can just 'be' now even amidst discomfort, and let others be.
if my `drive' for knowledge is somehow linked to my N-mother or a bio-chemical payoff? if you're at the beginning of the healing process I think I remember beign almost obsessed with collecting ideas, in fact at first I would totally embrace each new model as 'the' model...life is more eclectic and balanced now thank goodness, though some of you may remember my Eric Berne obsession and others

It's part of a process I think.
almost the end of the summer holidays, my most difficult time of the year and it's so hot this week too.
Looking forward to helping son settle into school then getting on with some work and then I'll go back to being more solitary and quiet again; first I'll enjoy the socialising and be outgoing. I have both sides to my personality- but the extrovert is always short-lived!
love to everyone,