Dear Beth,
Just in the past year, I've recognized how very dependent I've been within relationships and upon relationships... for acceptance, for definition... I was always the one who disappeared into the other. But along with that was a huge amount of pride and self-sufficiency which prevented me from reaching out for genuine help. Not a good combination of traits, for sure... very dissatisfying.
A couple years ago, it really struck me hard... just how afraid I was to reach out. I'd stepped into a dropoff in a river and panicked inside, but absolutely could not say a word about it to the people who were nearby. I was talking with a lady who was passing by with a child on a floatie, and I just kept trying to talk and talk... the whole time, thinking, "I'm dying here... I'm going to drown!" and treading water. Now that is some serious pride... or was it just terror at being helpless and a notion so deeply buried within that I must never, ever, ever need a n y t h i n g from anyone. Scared me awake...
but I still can't completely explain it. How I could be so terribly afraid and not say a word.