Author Topic: Questions for wise women  (Read 1438 times)


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Questions for wise women
« on: August 12, 2007, 01:50:33 AM »
 Throwing this one out there because all of you have such wisdom.  But before I begin, sorry to the male board members!  This is definitely girl stuff.

Ok.  I have been struggling intensely, like many of you, for the last 3 years.  In that time, I had a baby.  My fourth.  Now, I am experiencing crazy and intense PMS symptoms (mostly emotional but some physical) that last for days and days. This last time I was a mess for 5 days.   My periods are unusually heavy and off schedule and very crampy.  And my hair is falling out.  I am starting to see my scalp.  My obgyn says that it is normal.  Thyroid test is in normal ranges.  But I don't feel normal at all.  My periods are usually uneventful and easy and right on schedule.  Now I don't recognize my body at all.  I am about 30 lbs over.  Keep trying to lose with no real progress.  My T says that my psyche might be keeping the pounds on for protection. I am used to being fairly thin. 

My theory is that the stress is taking its toll.  I am wondering if my hormones are out of wack as a result.  I am 37 now and wondering about premenopause.  My girlfriend said to try progesterone creme.  But then someone told me it puts hair on your face.  Thinking about doing a cleanse or perhaps adding more soy to my diet.

Anybody go thru this stuff ever? 


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Re: Questions for wise women
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2007, 02:14:06 AM »
I think your friend was right; it sounds like a hormonal imbalance Poppyseed. The PMS and extra feminine fat are often the signs of oestrogen dominace. Its really worth googling the term `oestrogen dominance' because it is a common affliction and can be alleviated in a number of ways.

Oesterone cream has had some really, really good reports and I'd definately try it (the one made from natural Yams). It works best when you get the right `dosage' so keep experimenting with it, if you are using it for oestrogen dominance.

The naturpath at my local natural food shop told me that oestrogen dominace can also be caused by liver issues, which processes oestrogen and can release a kind of toxic oestrogen into the blood when it isn't processed correctly.

I hope that gives you a good start!

Hugs to you Poppyseed. I know that it is so frustrating and painful working through these more obscure ailments. I feel that in tis case, there is a lot of hope!

X Bella


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Re: Questions for wise women
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2007, 02:18:22 AM »
 :o I like to watch those medical channels on Discovery channel, this lady had a similar problem like yours. She was a thin model she kept putting the weight on all she ate were salads. Her hair was falling out, then her skin got very oily, I don't quite remember what she had, it was something to do with her pituitary glad or the gland under her arms. Up until then she was getting misdiagnosed, it happens alot.


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Re: Questions for wise women
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2007, 05:39:35 AM »
Hi Poppyseed..

I went through an early menopause at 39.. I spent two years taking natural remedies and none of them helped with the symptoms..  My GP hadn't a clue.  I don't think you should be using any oestrogen or progeserone products without taking proper advice.  In the end I went to see a specialist.  I only saw him for half an hour.  He put me on a type of HRT which creates oestrogen and progesterone and also has a tiny bit of testosterone in it as I had no libido at all.  All my symptoms of gone and I can promise you I have aboslutely not one hair on my face.

Your problem definately does sound hormonal but I wouldn't mess around experimenting.  Find a doctor that specialises in this kind of thing and get it sorted as soon as poss..

Listen to me lol...  I sound terribly bossy, Just don't want you to suffer like I did..




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Re: Questions for wise women
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2007, 07:38:47 AM »

Before you take any hormones, go to your ob/gyn and have a simple blood test that will show what your hormone levels are.  If they are normal (non-menopausal), ask her when you can effectively have a second test to compare levels.  ( the two tests together will tell you whether the levels are dropping--even if you are still within normal range).

Were you given your thyroid levels?  Sometimes the numbers are normal but they are at the outer limits of normal and you are still out of whack.  My son experienced that and it took us a while to figure out that "normal" isnt always what it is cracked up to be.  When he got proper care, he improved almost overnight. 

Poppy, I have to run--but I'll be thinking and praying for you and I'll come back and post if I get any more ideas.

Much love,

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Re: Questions for wise women
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2007, 07:57:07 AM »

It does sound hormonal to me, too.

But taking 'progesterone' isn't the same as taking 'NATURAL progesterone', so going to a GP (allopathic doctor) probably won't help as they tend to think that progestogens (synthetic) and natural progesterone are the same thing. Yam cream isn't enough, IMO. I use Progesta-Care by Life Flo, and it's brilliant - stops PMT, cramps, and helps prevent osteoporosis. There is a paraben-free version too (which I use) as most progesterone creams contain them, and they're dangerous. Google natural progesterone for more info, as it sounds like that is what might help.



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Re: Questions for wise women
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2007, 10:09:03 AM »
I don't have any answers.

When I delivered I had hair loss. 

Maybe it gets worse with each baby?

You may ask your doctor abot the Marina IUD.   It's progesterone release and will virtually stop the bleeding, if not stop it. 

It also keeps you from conceiving, though they're not sure how that works. 

As for the weight..... it took me longer with the second child. 

Be patient and kind to yourself. 

You aren't overweight..... you're post partum.