I've also encountered a couple of N's during this past week at work. One N took exception to the rules we have in place for the clients. (We have these rules in place for everyone's safety.) She attempted to override our decisions, in front of the clients, and attempted to force me to do what SHE wanted. Rather than get into a full-blown shout-down, I called my boss and he got her to back off from me. Then on the last night that I worked at this particular facility, (we move to a new facilty next week), I found myself dealing with TWO N's trying to force what they wanted down my throat! One N turned up with an expensive camera, with "bells and whistles" on it and announced to me that SHE was going to TAKE PICTURES OF OUR CLIENTS! I told her "N-O! That is a violation of client confidentiality!" She insisted on arguing and debating the issue. I called my boss and my boss backed me up. He also instructed me to tell this N that unless she has Release Forms for the clients to sign, pictures of the clients are NOT ALLOWED! I relayed this information after I hung up from my boss. She DEMANDED that I call my boss back and tell him that she will give the pictures to the clients, therefore that should permit her to take the pictures! Again, I told her "N-O!" (What part of the word "NO" does she NOT understand?!?) However, while the clients lined up to get dinner, I saw her camera flash. (I think she ignored our rules and took the pictures anyway!

Then, the other N that I had a confrontation with earlier in the week, announced that all of our clients MUST attend their church services! I told her: "If the client wants to accept an invitation, that is the client's perogative. If the client does NOT want to attend church services, that is also the client's choice. No one should be FORCED to attend church services." She attempted to argue with me on that point and I, again, repeated the word "NO!" She walked away from me, to where the clients were already in bed sleeping, and started waking them up demanding that they get up and go to her church because "EVERYONE MUST GO!" My colleague sent a text message to the boss informing him about what this N was doing to the clients regarding the church services. The boss responded that this N is NOT allowed to badger our clients like this and that NO client should be FORCED to attend any church services anywhere! The boss plans to contact this N about what she did which violated the clients' rights.
I'm hoping that we NEVER go back to that building again!