Wow, my sister did something like that once, I got a voucher for some photos to be done cheaply and suggested we got ones of the boys for my mums birthday. She took both the kids over there because I was at work, ordered loads of pictures and then presented me with a bill for my share of photos that I hadn't asked for or wanted!
Just this week I found myself in a difficult situation with a neighbour, who has done some work on my garden that I didn't ask him to or want him to. I got home and found him in the garden, it made me really uncomfortable and I just didn't know how to handle it, I didn't even feel I could order him to stop because he'd pretty much finished anyway. I've just avoided him since, I really don't know how to handle him and his wife. They put things out there as being friendly and neighbourly but to me they feel controlling and intrusive. Perhaps I need to get a big scary dog 
Whoa! That is annoying to find someone on your property without permission! Given my personality, I would have been asking him outright: "What are you doing on my property when I did not ask you to do this?" You have a right to your personal boundaries. I've had to do that when a certain NDoofus kept showing up uninvited and tried to give me the attitude that she was entitled to do as she pleases. Once she got the message that I WILL INVOLVE THE POLICE because she is TRESPASSING, she finally stopped. Oh yeah, she attempted to hand me a guilt trip because she's "entitled" and I told her to "F*** OFF!"
My late adopted sister attempted to pull a similar stunt except that it was an attempt to force me to be the FREE taxi cab at my expense! I had received an invitation to attend a party at her home and the invitation required an RSVP. I called her to let her know that I was accepting her invitation. She then proceeded to order me to criss-cross the county to pick up all these various friends of HERS who were TOTAL STRANGERS to me and NONE of them lived ANYWHERE NEAR ME! This was at a time where the cost of gas was skyrocketing! When I pointed out these facts to her, I was told that I HAD to do as she dictated and pay for the gas out of my own pocket. I informed her that I am NOT a free limo or taxi service! At that point, she bluntly told me that I was DISINVITED and she hung up on me. Her loss, not mine!
The audacity of some people!