Well, dear Bones... something happens to me when the weather is cold, rainy, and nasty, too!

But in the case of your automobile, sounds to me like an electrical issue... and those can be elusive, indeed.
Today I was thinking about the ramifications of contacting the N-doofus-es in our lives, at times when we need assistance...
and oh, how very much that can be an opening of pandora's box. What does a pathological narcissist expect in return for a favor? Everything, I guess! Then again, N's expect everything anyway, since they're doing you a favor just by allowing you to share the planet with them... lol... oy.
Anyhow, I hope your car get fixed up properly and soon and that it's not some teeny computer sensor gone faulty, requiring 5 hours labor to access.
(((((((Bones))))))) Take good care of yourself.