I don't think that the N's can "help" their core dysfunction. They can help individual behaviors,like screaming at a particular person.
However,with my M, I see that her "core" is infected, as a computer would be with a virus. She is trying to be loving to me ,now, as best as she can, but all the while, she is wielding the knife in me, to prove that SHE is good and *I* am lesser -----over and over---bleh.
So, her core problem i.e. that she has little self, cannot be changed by me. She cannot give me a healthy love,which nourishes me. She can give me poisoned water and she does. I aways drank it b/c I wanted water so badly.
My Aunt's children can never know the pain of wanting a "wire monkey" to nurture you. They lived a totally different life.
Now, I have to untangle the ball of yarn which is her and me and her and me--all mixed up----bleh. Ami