I was recently contacted by one of my maternal cousins, after not hearing from him for several years. (He was very close to my Nmother and basically worshipped the ground she walked on. EWWWWW!!!!!) Talking to him was like talking to another N

! It seemed like he LOVED to hear himself talk and convinced that he knew everything about everything. He had also been raised to believe that I was mentally retarded. When he asked me what I had been up to and I told him that I just recently got my Masters degree, it sounded like he nearly dropped the phone!
After stuttering and stammering for several seconds, then he asks me: "Why did you bother to do THAT?!?!?" (I almost responded with: "What the F?!?!?") Instead, I asked back: "WHY NOT?!?!?!?" (This induhvidual is pushing 60 and still calls his middle-aged sister "The Troll"! What's up with THAT?!?!?!?)
