That sounds really interesting. Elaborate, if you care to. I would love to hear if you want to share . Ami
Well, one branch of the family appears to involve soap-opera-type situations!!! At one point, my great-great-grandparents had a boarder living with them. Then my great-great-grandmother started having an affair with the boarder, while still married to my great-great-grandfather, and she had a baby by this other man! My great-great-grandfather reacted to this mess by getting very drunk and throwing himself under a train!
I've been trying to follow the "tracks" of this daughter, who was born under these less-than-auspicious circumstances, and her trail has been convoluted like you wouldn't believe!!!! She married her first husband, around the age of 16, had several children by him; he dies; she places most of her children in an orphan asylum; remarries husband #2 and reclaims her children; husband #2 drinks himself to death; remarries husband #3 who "adopts" her children; husband #3 mysteriously drops out of sight, (document-wise), and she turns up with husband #4. On top of that, she kept changing BOTH her first and last names!!!! The only way I could find her was through her children!!!! Now the question remains, what ultimately happened to her and when?