Well, it's been little over a week since the high school reunion and I'm still doing some follow-up with various former classmates, especially those who were unable to attend for one reason or another. One of them sent me an e-mail, with her phone number, and asked me to give her a call...which I did. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!
She kept gushing on and on about how we were "SUCH GOOD FRIENDS" all through childhood! (No, we were NOT! She was snobbish then, over 40 years ago, and is still snobbish now. Back then, she wouldn't give me the time of day so I have NO idea what planet she is living on! We have NOT had ANY contact for over 40 years since graduation!!!) She also demonstrated, several times during the conversation, (more accurately, her monologue), that she is a racist by often making comments about "THOSE people of color who are always lazy and dirty!" After about the fourth or fifth racist comment, I interrupted her by stating that I have a news flash for her in connection with my genealogy research that she asked about early in the conversation. I bluntly told her that my Dad and I are Bi-Racial and I find her racist comments very offensive. She needs to stop and think of what she is saying to whom before she says it. That stopped the overt racist comments but NOT the attitude! URGH!!!!

The topic changed over to asking about my family, (such as they are), and I commented that both my older sisters are gone and that one of them died about the same time that NWomb-Donor died to which she interrupted me to continue talking about herself. Five minutes later, she asked me how NWomb-Donor is and if she's still alive!!!! (WTF?!?!?!? Clearly she has NOT heard a SINGLE word I just said five minutes before that she had DIED!) She asked what I had been doing with myself and I mentioned getting a master's degree. Her response: "Who knew you were SO-O-O smart?!?!?" ICK!!!!

The vast majority of the conversation was her gushing on and on about herself, herself, herself, herself while I just non-committedly would respond with "Uh-huh, hmmmm". Finally, after she talked herself out, she announces that the next time she is in my area, we should get together for lunch. (Fat chance!) I couldn't wait to get off the phone! Can you say N-Radar and alarm bells going off?!?!?!? If she ever condescends to call me again, I'm letting it go to voice-mail!
