Some people may think this is weird or strange, but I have been doing some spiritual explorations outside of my own religious upbringing, if one can call it that.
To give a little bit of background....when I was a kid, I was forced to attend Sunday School at a Methodist church that was more focused on appearances than on the spiritual development of its congregation, (sound familiar?). Back then, if you were NOT Methodist, NOT white enough, NOT rich enough, etc., you were NOT welcome there! In spite of this, I was still forced, by the NWomb-Donor, to attend and be on the receiving end of hostility from the "clique" of old, monied, ladies which turned me off to organized religion in general at a very young age. The NWomb-Donor wanted to pretend that she was better than the "clique" and I couldn't help but feel like a pawn in their war games.
In recent years, I have felt like something is missing and, at the same time, I just don't feel comfortable dealing with organized religions because my belief system does not fit anything. To try to describe my belief system, it combines elements from Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism, taking what I need and leaving the rest that I do NOT agree with...and there is a LOT that I do NOT agree with in regards to the Protestant and Catholic approaches. I do not know enough about the Jewish faith and I've only had fleeting exposure here and there through schoolmates who included me in Passover or Shabbat. Lately, I have been digging deeper into the Old Testament to try to find a better understanding between me and my Higher Power, as I understand God. I've been doing this privately as I've caught flak from Know-It-All's who try to dictate to me which parts of my own Bible I am ALLOWED to read...meaning that according to THEM, I SHOULD be PERMITTED to READ ONLY the New Testament and I SHOULD IGNORE the Old Testament. For the record, I do NOT agree with these Know-It-All's as they seem to forget that Jesus, Himself, was born according to Jewish Scripture and Prophecy and was raised according to Jewish Law. I want to understand what that is given that the Methodist Social Club NEVER discussed ANYTHING about this most basic foundation.
As I continue reading, I vaguely remember learning about Sukkoth Booths along with Purim, somewhere, and have developed more curiosity about other celebrations such as Hannukah. This year, Hannukah and Christmas kinda/sort of overlap during the same week. Interestingly enough, through an exchange program in my community, I've been given a beautiful menorah and candles. This has piqued my curiosity to know more so I've been looking up the history behind the Festival of Lights.
As I've mentioned, I have been exploring this, alone, because I get so tired of catching flak from Know-It-All's who want to play religious politics and beat me over the head with what I SHOULD think and/or believe as if they are the "thought police".
I'll quit rambling for now.