Just got home from a Star Trek convention. One of the FUN things I encountered was watching a group of people dance the Macarena to Darth Vader's theme music! 
One strange experience while I was at the Saturday night party......I had submitted a song request to the DJ and was standing to one side of the dance floor as I couldn't see well right away. (There's a bright light where you write down your requests and everywhere else is dark with a light show and strobes flashing about.) Given that my eyes hadn't had time to adjust to the rest of the room, I was standing still to avoid crashing into anyone who was bouncing around.
As I was standing there, waiting for my eyes to adjust, some youngster snaked her arm around my waist and commenced bumping and grinding on me!

(She was fortunate that my PTSD didn't kick in, causing me to lash out blindly.) I gave her a look of: "Child! WHAT! ARE!!!! YOU!!!!! DOING?!?!?!?!?!" She laughed, asked for a "fist-bump" and stated that even working people should have fun! (I guess she assumed I was part of security because of the way I was dressed.) Then she melted into the crowd.
In 20/20 hindsight, I probably should have been flattered that someone that young found someone as old as I am attractive. At the same time, my Vulcan logic is saying: (a) I don't swing that way as I'm straight, (b) child, you are YOUNG enough to be my GRANDDAUGHTER and I don't rob cradles, (c) based on what my nose is detecting, child, you have drunk so much alcohol that you are now totally wasted, several sheets to the wind, and will probably have NO memory of any of this in the morning because you are in a blackout!
All I could do was shake my head!