Just got a message a short while ago, from my half-sister's grandson, informing me that his mother, my half-sister's daughter wants to know my street address, phone number, e-mail address, etc., etc. I responded back that it's simply easier to contact me via e-mail. I have no intention of giving her any more information than that. The last time she and I saw each other face-to-face was immediately after NWomb-Donor died and I was treated as if I were less than human. When her mother, my half-sister died, I was excluded. Any attempts from me to communicate was met with hostility. So WHY does she want to know where I live now? My trust was trashed years ago so I prefer to keep them all at arm's length.
I look back on what took place ... in 1997 I was dealing with the deaths of an adopted sister and NWombDonor within a four month span. Three years later, in 2000, my half-sister also dies so I'm dealing with a lot of loss from 1997 to 2000. During that time frame and afterward, this particular bunch couldn't be bothered to treat me like I was human, let alone family. I learned to live my life without them. I don't trust any of them and I haven't forgotten how they made me feel when I was dealing with several deaths in the family at one time. I don't like being kicked while I'm down. They can just leave me alone.