No good deed goes unpunished!

My elderly neighbor had me take him to the bank and I witnessed that his brother had COMPLETELY wiped out his account and left him OVERDRAWN while he was out of the country...using a debit card! With the assistance of the bank employee, we closed that account in order to take his brother's name off and canceled the debit card that the brother was using. In order to be able to do that, my neighbor needed $50 to open a new account in his name only. I felt the right thing to do, given that his account was overdrawn by his thieving brother, was to transfer the $50 out of my account to his. Then the bank proceeded to take care of what needed to be done.
After all that, we get back home, my neighbor has all the new account information still in his hands, and who's waiting for him????? THE THIEVING BROTHER!!!! There went my $50 straight into this THIEF'S hands!!!!! AARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Being a retiree myself, I can't afford to support a THIEF!!!!!