I sent an e-mail to one of the police officers who I've dealt with on other occasions and told him what has been happening since this past Friday. Turns out, he is the SUPERVISOR of the officer who blew me off. (I didn't know that.) This morning, I got a phone call from the officer, who blew me off, asking me to come to the station and write a Witness Statement of everything I observed yesterday. I wrote about five pages of everything that I saw and heard and it has been given to a detective. It appears that the police are finally taking this case seriously.
Now I wonder what will happen next?
Giving a bit of an update.
It had been awhile since I reported this and I had no idea what has been going on since the report. Last week, Wednesday morning, I received a phone call, from Adult Protective Services, asking me if I had heard anything at all or had seen my neighbor. I had to say "No and No". Turns out that APS had been calling the police officer, who was supposed to be investigating from his end, and he was NOT returning their calls! Apparently, he was blowing them off just like he blew me off. I sent a follow-up e-mail to APS with a "cc:" to the officer's supervisor regarding what has been going on or, more accurately, what has NOT been going on.
This morning, BEFORE 6:30 AM, my phone rings! I'm wondering WHO is calling me at THAT UNGODLY HOUR?!?!? Turns out to be the police officer who had been blowing me off! He informs me that he has communicated with Adult Protective Services and gave them information that they have been asking for ... (I'm thinking, "Yeah, asking you since JULY!") He tried to play "cover his ass" claiming that APS never left a message for him. (Yeah ... right ... and I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!) Looks like my email to his boss prompted his boss to light a fire under his lead a$$! I love it when a plan comes together!